Seems par for your course that you see a point in making cheap shots. As is your fallacious use of arguments from an imagined majority.
It seeps quite superior of you to "know" what atheists know.
We have discussed your foundations for belief several times now and the evidential value you attach to hear-say, authority and revelation in your own faith-bound beliefs. If there was hard evidence, you would not need faith to justify those beliefs, would you?
Since when is a cheap shot fallacious? I think you mean a bit unnecessary, which I will admit yeah it was, though its true and it demonstrated my point in responce to the OP. I suppose if you want to divert the thread though you can though seems unncessarily inane, it was an off the cuff comment I made, nothing more.
And no I will not be party to you redefining this thread. Nice try though.
This is clearly just guess work. A lot of athiests would have had a religious up bringing or would have been religious when children.
Also since when is 'christianity' the only religion? There are and have been thousands, do you know all about them?
I can only speak from personal experience and what I have witnessed, i might very well be wrong though I sincerely doubt it. And whoever said Christianity was the only religion?
The fallacious part of the argument wasn't the cheap shot, it was the imaginary majority.
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