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#1 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts


Take a sick day or two or three, lol. Eat some good ice cream to forget that painful thought. Better yet lace some cocolax in others drinks, they will soon forget about you.


Or he could try to make sh!tting one's pants trendy. He could sh!t his pants again and be like, "This is what the cool kids do yo!"

That would work, but kids these days wear ungodly tight pants. No one would even notice.

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#2 Hubadubalubahu
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[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]Wouldn't board. Something about getting onto a ship called titanic just dosn't seem to bode well with me.Gaming-Planet

I agree, I too would be put off by the name. No amount of knocking on wood or crossing my fingers would get me on that ship.

There were enough sail ships to aboard all those people to safety.

It's one of those superstitious feelings that just makes me a bit uneasy. I would probably wait until after the maiden voyage to go on the ship, that way the bad juju is already debunked.

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#3 Hubadubalubahu
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Believe it of not someone sh*t their pants in my highschool PE class too. (Must be pretty common as far as uncommon events go.) We always ran laps first thing and I remember hearing the gym go into an uproar about something. Thing was though, it wasn't full blown diarrhea it was the best of both worlds. You had a pretty solid log just relaxing on the floor and this kid trying to slip out unnoticed with brown going down his leg. Felt so bad for the kid. He was already one of the schools "weird kids" that most people already avoided so this didn't help him much.

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#4 Hubadubalubahu
Member since 2005 • 1081 Posts

Wouldn't board. Something about getting onto a ship called titanic just dosn't seem to bode well with me.darkspineslayer

I agree, I too would be put off by the name. No amount of knocking on wood or crossing my fingers would get me on that ship.

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#5 Hubadubalubahu
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And here I was thinking about how OT just doesn't get enough religious topics.

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#6 Hubadubalubahu
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To be fair 2001 is a pretty old movie and has withstood time quite well. Everything in that movie was very "out there" thinking for the times. Now it's all been done dozens of times and doesn't have the same originality when you watch it now. A lot of movies from the 60's and 70's are very dialogue heavy and alot of them have scenes that appear to be "filler" but actually subtly develop the story and the characters. Look at the movie Taxi Driver made a little under ten years after. It can be argued that majority of the film is "filler" but without it the movie wouldn't of had the same impact it does. Same goes for 2001. What some people see as boring others see as a riveting story.

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#7 Hubadubalubahu
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I'm on the complete other end of things then the TC. There are many reasons that all drugs should actually be legalized. Posted something like this in another thread similar to this one a while back.

1. It would put an end to prison overcrowding. Legalizing drugs would immediately relieve the pressure on the prison system, since there would no longer be "drug offenders" to incarcerate.

2. Less disease. Because IV drug users utilize hypodermic needles to inject heroin and other narcotics, access to needles is restricted. The dearth of needles leads users to share them. If one IV user has infected blood and some enters the needle as it is pulled out, the next user may shoot the infectious agent directly into his own bloodstream. With needles cheap and freely available, the drug users would have little need to share them and risk acquiring someone else's virus

3. Drug legalization would free up police resources to fight crimes against people and property. The considerable police efforts now expended against drug activity and drug-related crime could be redirected toward protecting innocent people from those who would still commit crime in the absence of drug laws. The police could protect us more effectively, as it could focus resources on catching rapists, murderers and the remaining perpetrators of crimes against people and property.

4. It would unclog the court system. There simply aren't enough judges to handle the skyrocketing caseload. Because it would cut crime and eliminate drugs as a type of crime, legislation would wipe tens of thousands of cases off the court dockets across the continent, permitting the rest to move sooner and faster. Prosecutors would have more time to handle each case; judges could make more considered opinions.

5. Legalization would save tax money. Efforts to interdict the drug traffic alone cost $6.2 billion in 1986, according to Wharton Econometrics of Bala Cynwyd, Pa. If we ad the cost of trying and incarcerating users, traffickers, and those who commit crime to pay for their drugs, the tab runs well above $10 billion. The crisis in inmate housing would disappear, saving taxpayers the expense of building more prisons in the future.

6. Eliminates a black market. Besides the people not being arrested for drug use, It would cripple organized crime. The Mafia (heroin), Jamaican gangs (crack), and the Medellin Cartel (cocaine) stand to lose billions in drug profits from legalization. On a per-capita basis, members of organized crime, particularly at the top, stand to lose the most from legalizing the drug trade. Legalizing drugs would knock out this huge prop from under organized crime. Smugglers and pushers would have to go aboveboard or go out of business. There simply wouldn't be enough other criminal endeavors to employ them all.

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#8 Hubadubalubahu
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[QUOTE="kingkong0124"] It's true. Europeans, most notably the French and British, don't shower for days. kingkong0124

Lol what is this? Just because you for some reason think something doesn't make it true. Having Lived in Stoke-on-Trent as well as Indiana and Florida and visited numerous places in both countries; I can say that from what I have seen good hygiene and fitness was more prevalent in England than America. Of course that was merely my experience and my sense of smell. It would be both ignorant and dishonest to try to claim one country smells better as a whole than another, especially since sense of smell is entirely subjective.

I can't tell you the number of times I just want to plug my nose while waiting in a queue over here. I can't speak for France but i'd wager a bet that the "smelly Frenchman" insult is just that an insult, at best a stereotype. It is funny how easily people will create these ideas in their heads and truly believe them as fact without ever even going to more then one if any of the places they claim things about.

Saying, "Most notably the French and British don't shower for days", is a baseless opinion and trying to pass it as a truth does nothing but show how big of a moron you are. Why you believe the French and the British for some reason do not shower for days is beyond me. I wasn't even aware this stereotype existed.

I have been to England before, don't make assumptions. And the funny thing is, stereotypes, believe it or not, have a lot of truth in them! Also, there have been documented and highly researched cases about this problem!

Implying a poll = fact. Ignoring that polls can be and usually are bias and misconstrued.

EDIT: Ignoring the vaugeness of the article and how loosly the term "researchers" is used with no sources at the bottom of the article it says.

*The results incorporate research from a poll of 4,842 people in Mexico, Australia, the US, France, the UK, Russia, Sweden, Germany and China in 2008, and two further surveys of a total of 1,153 people in the UK.

Hardley enough people to say all of Britian stinks nor do I belive anything in that "article" to be accurate.

The thought that Brits don't shower often is a myth that grew from a lifestyle back in the colonial days. Well welcome to the 21st century, yea funny how time flys. Brits shower just as much as any other culture. Back in the days when the British navy ruled the world (yes that long ago), perfumes and spices were amongst the most traded commodity of merchant ships. Perfume for men and women was the in thing, back then. London was over crowded, people were generally poor and public infrastructure was almost non existent. Most men at the time spent a majority of their lives aboard a navy or merchant vessel, sometimes being at sea for months at a time. Hence, potable water was scarce and reserved for drinking water. This gave rise to the popular alternative, perfume, which soon became a way of life for sea dwelling men and city dwellers as well. Showers were for the aristocrats and the phrase personal hygiene had not yet entered the vocabulary. Europe is a modern continent and people shower, use deodorant and brush their teeth several times a day just like everybody else.

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#9 Hubadubalubahu
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You are inspriation for birth control! No this is a double standard, most women jokes are not like joking about cutting a woman up. NOT a fair comparison you should be making. You are worthless that you fail to see the double standard here. I already posted someone quoting in another thread that he was offended by a video that was not even demeaning Native Americans, and yet he is the same animal to say this is funny!? That is a double standard. You are stupid, the point is, this is not a laughing matter at all. Sexist female jokes are not the same as this situation at all. This is a serious social issue and only someone who is a low brainer would fail to see the seriousness of this situation.


ANOTHER ORIGINAL INSULT BY MAHLASOR. Women beating jokes are common enough and hilarious, but cvnts like you would rather pretend to be oppressed and eliminate anything resembling a laugh for the sake of some perceived sense of social justice. The user in the other thread was not offended by the video in the slightest. He simply said that it was worthless, which it was. The video sucked. THIS STORY IS A LAUGHING MATTER. Puritanical cvnts like you would take any joy out life for no reason other than it takes a jab at someone else's expense. Please do the world a favor and end yourself.

It's not about taking the fun out of anything, If I'm allowed to laugh with a bunch of guys laughing about a man cutting off his ex wives's genital,and dump them to some garbage collecting centre, then they can do it.

Let me try to explain something to you.

Do you play video games? If yes does that mean that you will go out and do what you did in that game? This logic is mind numbing and one of the moronic things people come up with when something rubs them the wrong way. Satire/Joke =/= Support/Doing

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#10 Hubadubalubahu
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[QUOTE="Fightingfan"]Bullsh*t, I'm sure a policeman would arrest you for something.kingkong0124

It's not illegal to smell or not shower. If it was, a lot Europeans could never visit here.

It's true. Europeans, most notably the French and British, don't shower for days.

Lol what is this? Just because you for some reason think something doesn't make it true. Having Lived in Stoke-on-Trent as well as Indiana and Florida and visited numerous places in both countries; I can say that from what I have seen good hygiene and fitness was more prevalent in England than America. Of course that was merely my experience and my sense of smell. It would be both ignorant and dishonest to try to claim one country smells better as a whole than another, especially since sense of smell is entirely subjective.

I can't tell you the number of times I just want to plug my nose while waiting in a queue over here. I can't speak for France but i'd wager a bet that the "smelly Frenchman" insult is just that an insult, at best a stereotype. It is funny how easily people will create these ideas in their heads and truly believe them as fact without ever even going to more then one if any of the places they claim things about.

Saying, "Most notably the French and British don't shower for days", is a baseless opinion and trying to pass it as a truth does nothing but show how big of a moron you are. Why you believe the French and the British for some reason do not shower for days is beyond me. I wasn't even aware this stereotype existed.