So what we have learned is that the only thing that made this offensive was the tone of voice he said it in? Because it seems that every christian here has said they do not have a problem with homosexuality but in the same breath are claiming that dan savage is bullying christian teens. If Obama himself had come onto that stage and delivered the same message in the most politically correct way possible there would still be an outcry over this if not more. KingKong would still be making a thread saying, "look at Obama's heathen ass mocking these christian's beliefs".
The real moral of the story is don't come between a christian and his book, even if it's being used as justification for bigotry. Even If Dan Savage had been more respectful about the presentation of his message and kept his "tone" in check, there would still be outrage. To claim your angry about someones tone of voice and at the same time say, "but I don't have a problem with homosexuality and disagree with those parts of the bible", just makes no sense to me. If you agree with him then why the hell does his tone matter. And if you don't agree with it then sorry but your a bigot; this part is not opinion it is fact. Being intolerant of people of different ethnicity, race, class, religion, profession, sexual orientation, or gender all fall under bigotry. Regardless of whether or not the book you base your morals around says otherwise.
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