Where is the conspiracy? Does she live near a grassy knoll?
Hubadubalubahu's forum posts
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"]but not everyone in this world is some amazing fighter and just dodges blows at will; Nuck81I stopped reading there since I figured the rest of the post was just as dumb. Zimmerman could have grabbed Martin, shoved Martin, took a swing and missed, any number of things of which none would leave a mark on Martin. Also not everyone is a 400lb pasty weakling that bruises with the slightest touch. Since Zimmerman was trying to apprehend Martin and hold him for the cops, the most likely scenario was that he grabbed at Martins collar, shoulder, or arm, Martin pushed him off, Zimmerman got more aggressive and Martin defended himself beat Zimmermans face, Zimmerman panicked and started yelling for help and then shot Martin. But since Martin is dead, we'll never know what caused him to hit Zimmerman.
We are talking about two people of average weight here. Or wait, maybe that was your attempt to make a personal attack on me and further diverge from the actual situation being discussed. You have a baseless story of what happened here. And if Martin isn't a "400lb patsy' and isnt a weakling who bruises then why did his knuckles bruise when he hit Zimmerman. However when blocking Zimmermans assault/hypothetical stomach punch you brought up, his arms do not bruise. But keep appealing to emotion and trying to challenge evidence with unrealistic hypotheticals based on you and your siblings scuffles.
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="Nuck81"] You can get hit in the stomach and it leave no physical evidence. Have you never been in a fight?Nuck81
Have you? I know certain parts of the body bruise easier than others but you would be hard pressed to find no bruises on someone who had been in a scuffle, let alone received the leading blow. Even if he attempted to block his assault he would have some sort of bruising on his arms. This is a very silly argument.
Yes I have. I have an older brother and we got quite good at beating the piss out of each other without leaving any marks for mom or dad to see. Actually our only rule was no hits to the face. I have taken and given countless hits to the stomach that did no more than knock the wind out of us. You can also block or dodge swings without leaving a bruise. It's not hard to figure out.This is not a brotherly fight. That is a terrible comparison to be basing a case off of in a trial. Also, I don't know about you, but not everyone in this world is some amazing fighter and just dodges blows at will; even when we have no idea that we are fighting. If it was Zimmerman who assaulted him then he had the leading blow. (Also see: sucker punch.) It is not easy to dodge something you don't know is coming. But since this is the internet lets pretend that every fight is like an action movie and people just fluently block and dodge blows at will even without any sort of training or even fighting experience. Also lets assume that the only blow that hit with any force was a punch to the stomach which didn't bruise easily. We will also say that blocking a forceful blow will not cause bruising. Then we will go on the internet and discuss real life court cases with some fantasy situation in mind with no real relevance to the situation being discussed.
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]What the hell is that guy doing to that cat in your signature? KC_Hokie
I think he is blowing on the cats belly and for some reason sort of folding/bending the cat.
lol...is that from a mental institution?We can only hope...
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="Nuck81"] Or Martin blocked/dodged the blow. It could have also hit him in an area where it left no physical evidence like the stomach.Nuck81
You don't think the autopsy covered his stomach?
You can get hit in the stomach and it leave no physical evidence. Have you never been in a fight?Have you? I know certain parts of the body bruise easier than others but you would be hard pressed to find no bruises on someone who had been in a scuffle, let alone received the leading blow. Even if he attempted to block his assault he would have some sort of bruising on his arms. This is a very silly argument.
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="Nuck81"] Or Martin blocked/dodged the blow. It could have also hit him in an area where it left no physical evidence like the stomach.KC_Hokie
You don't think the autopsy covered his stomach?
What the hell is that guy doing to that cat in your signature?I think he is blowing on the cats belly and for some reason sort of folding/bending the cat.
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="Bucked20"] So because Zimmerman happened to get his asss whoop,its no way Martin could have been the one that got attacked ?Nuck81
If there is no physical evidence to say that Martin was beaten or battered... then no.
EDIT: Unless of course Zimmerman hits like an absolute b*tch and did no damage whatsoever even with the leading blow.
Or Martin blocked/dodged the blow. It could have also hit him in an area where it left no physical evidence like the stomach.You don't think the autopsy covered his stomach? Also even if he blocked blows there would be bruising.
[QUOTE="Hubadubalubahu"][QUOTE="Nuck81"]Zimmerman is charged with second degree murder. The crime is not Assault with intent to injure. It's the Murder of Martin by Zimmerman.Nuck81
Not defending LJ here but...
The point.
Your head.
Not exactly. This thread is about the claim that Zimmerman had injuries that suggest that he had taken punches to the face. LJ was posting from the position that since Zimmerman has injuries then it proves his claim that he was acting in Self Defense. I'm posting from the position that all the evidence suggests is that Zimmerman has injuries on his face. It does nothing to prove or disprove that Zimmerman was acting in Self Defense, when it's just as likely that Zimmerman received the injuries after instigating the confrontation. Then LJ started talking about how motivations are not relevant in a crime of assault. I was pointing out that this is not a charge of assault, but a charge of murder.I do not believe he was saying the evidence proves or disproves either sides case. He also never implied Zimmerman was being charged, or should be charged with assault. There may have been a misunderstanding.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="SEANMCAD"]It shows that Martin attacked Zimmerman which bolsters the self defense claim. So because Zimmerman happened to get his asss whoop,its no way Martin could have been the one that got attacked ?the challenege will be explaining the context.
what I mean is on the surface it appears like this 'because zimmerman got his nose broken he was justified in killing the boy'
well details please...?
If there is no physical evidence to say that Martin was beaten or battered... then no.
EDIT: Unless of course Zimmerman hits like an absolute b*tch and did no damage whatsoever even with the leading blow.
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