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New Console?

Sometime in 2008 (probably Q1) I'm going to buy a new console, but which one should I buy? Now, I kinda want the Wii because it has a low pricetag, and the Zelda series (big plus for me). The 360 has... timed exclusives... Oh uh, looks like I'm getting a Wii ^_^

But in all honesty, I hate 95% of the games for the Wii. Most of them seem like minigames or little kid games! Excluding the Zelda games, andMetroid games. Although I do likesome of the "party" games the Wii has,I'm not one for inviting a bunch of friends over to play SSMB :/

Maybe I'll just stick to my PS3 in the seventh generation of gaming...


Some guys getting a demo of UT3 with the devs saw something they shouldn't have, a picture of a thing called "Gamercard". They couldn't get a pic because they wern't allowed cameras inside and one of the devs shut off the PS3 but I think we're gunna get Gamercards (PSN version of the XBL Gamertag).

PS3 holiday season vs. 360 holiday season

PS3 = Unreal Tournament, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, LAIR, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Home, and Haze. And I'm sure more are coming.

360 = Halo 3 and BioShock... AND 360 = breakes, you can't play your games holiday season...

Looks like Sony is winning...

Take to the skies!

Warhawk is coming!!! I'm so excited! A game I can finally play online without getting bored a couple days after (Resistance)! Alas, I still need my HDMI cable for my HDTV... Everything looks so blurry without HDMI :'(

Resistance vs. Halo

My friend (Eirik) and I have been arguing whether Resistance or Halo is more realistic. I honestly think Resistance is, because a virus does evolve. Now, Halo doesn't seem realistic to me. Just because the Forerunners (humans) made all the Halos, and somehow the humans don't know about the Halos but a random religious cult does? -_-'' Anyway, the whole "Reach" thing seems idiotic to me. Why make a bunch of super-soldiers on some random planet instead of EARTH?! I can point out how the Chimera hunt/survive in the wild (if they had too) without weapons.

But the Covenant? Grunt = dead, Jackal = dead, Elite = dead, Hunters = alive, Brutes = alive, Drones = alive (probably), Prophets = DEAD. 3/7 Covenant aliens can survive.

Chimera (all of them) = Can see heat (good for hunting) and canheal non-major wounds within minutes, and fast. I might go into more detail about them all later but for now this is goodbye!

Uh-Oh! :O

Would it be wrong of me to buy Gears of War, Halo 3, and all the other good360-PC ports for my kick-ass PC? I mean, I hate M$ but damn it... I want those games!!!


This guy is a friggin god, go watch his stuff on youtube. I love his complaints, but his Bluntmations are hilarious too.

Proof the 360 is dying

Well, this will probably be a tad bit biased because I hate the 360s with every fiber of my being. But anyway, the proof the 360 is dying is this:4 versions of the 360. Four friggin versions of the 360 that will probably overheat within minutes?! Why not make ONE friggin version of the 360 that actually works?! Now, some of you may say "Well, the PS3 has 3 version". The Core 360 is without an hard drive,no HDMI port, can't play HD-DVDs... Now the Premium has a hard drive, no HDMI port, and can't play HD-DVDs. The Elite has a hard drive, HDMI port (I think), and can play HD-DVDs (Huzzah!). And I have no clue what the Halo 3 360 has... But I know what it DOESN'T have... HALO 3. What idiot would buy that piece of shat? I mean, I would, (if I like Halo and it came with halo 3 and I didn't have a 360) but no Halo 3?! Anyways, back to the three versions of the PS3. There's the 20GB, 60GB, and 80GB. All have the same functions, except different stoarage capacity. AND the 60GB is getting scraped and being replaced by the 80GB so we really only have 2 "versions" of the PS3. Sony doesn't like to screw their customers.

Well, I guess I'm done.

P.S. Sony doesn't rely on one game series to support its system (ala Halo).

Jack Thompson

Thought I'd write a bit about the devil... I mean Jack before I go to bed. Jack is against all video games (including Mario and other "little kid" games). Now, remember the Virginia Tech shooting? Jack Thompson immeditaly jumped onto the scene and said that becuase the shooter played video games, he went insane -_- I can't believe this guy. Infact, sometime ago, a family lost their son to some sort of gang shooting or something (can't remember but what Jack did to the family was horrifying and evil). Jack immeditaly sent a letter telling the parents that it was their fault for their son's death (because he played video games sometimes). I remember when this first happened, the gaming community went into an uproar about this evil man, and I think everyone should be ticked off with this evil man!

P.S. DO NOT SEND HIM EMAILS, LETTERS, OR ANYTHING INSULTING HIM. He's a lawyer and he'll sue your ass into next week!

P.S.S. The kid who died from the gang shooting (or w.e) was well liked in the gaming community and the family got much support from many gamers. But Jack rubs salt in the wounds of the family. And Jack calls video gamers uneducated idiots! HA!