Hububalub Blog
Possibility of Rebels?
by Hububalub on Comments
If you watch the Killzone intro, Visari says that "our enemies at home have been reeducated" which means that some Helghast were against the war. Perhaps we meet Helghast rebels in Killzone 2 who fight on our side?
P.S. If they reuse the "evil general" thing in Killzone 2 I am going to be seriously pissed off. General Adams, General Metrac, and General Stratson. Enough is enough!
Goodbye Snake...
by Hububalub on Comments A tribute to Solid Snake.
EDIT: ROFL, found this hilarious video about Solid Snake
My list of worries for Killzone 2
by Hububalub on Comments
2) ...That's it I guess...
Birth of War
by Hububalub on Comments
Killzone Intros
by Hububalub on Comments
Eternal Darkness, or Everlasting Light?
by Hububalub on Comments
Would you rather play a game with a dark, gloomy storyline or a game with a cheerful, happy storyline?
I would like the dark game better, games with a darker storyline seem to be much better than cheerful games imo. Even though Kingdom Hearts has a "cheerful" storyline, the backstory to it is quite dark and sad.
Call me a sadist if you want, but if a game has a storyline where horrible things happen to the main character (saw family murdered etc.) it makes me feel much more immersed. Maybe it's because of the state our world is in right now...
Putting Hidden Truths on hold for a bit
by Hububalub on Comments
Just so I can make this short book on Killzone, it'll be a book based on the Helghast soldiers ;) Knew Dell wanted it
EDIT: Well, I finished the story about 5 mins after I started writing it 0_o I don't think it turned out that great, but was pretty good.
PS3 sales vs. Xbox 360 sales
by Hububalub on Comments
The PS3 is outselling the 360 (in Japan) 9 to 1. !_!
P.S. My blogs can now only be viewed by my friends
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