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HunkyMandrake Blog

Warning: this blog is potentially depressing

Ever feel like you're completely alone?

I kinda do at the moment and I don't know why, but some of my friends seem to have abandoned me for no good reason and my best friends are all scheduled differently so I hardly see them apart from at breaktimes. Plus I think I'm already behind because I don't understand any of the stuff I have to read for my Philosophy course and I have to make notes on it for Monday afternoon. I kinda feel like the people who used to be my friends have turned their backs on me completely, and I'm discovering who my real friends are (and making a few new ones). Cheer me up please.

The workload is absolutely massive, which is why I haven't really been online in a few days. Once I get used to it, I probably will be back on and my normal cheerful self.

7 Reasons Why Hollyoaks Is Better Than Other Soaps

1. They are not afraid to kill off main characters. In the explosion on Friday, 3 major characters departed through death along with 2 minors.

2. They cover real issues such as drug rape, alcoholism, gold digging, "preservation of virginity" etc. Corrie have been handling skiving off school for the last decade.

3. The teenage characters actually go to school.

4. The acting is now, for the first time, of quite a high standard proved through Friday's episode (I suggest you watch the repeat on e4 tomorrow at 4:00pm ... or at around midday this morning).

5. The McQueen family. Hollyoaks are introducing their very own set of Dingles, and each character from the family are completely different.

6. The show appeals to all ages. There's something for teens, for young adults and even for those getting older as the characters that are introduced appear to be getting older. Plus, they've shifted some of the deadwood.

7. Unlike Eastenders, Hollyoaks isn't a cheap rip-off of The Sopranos.

In other news, I'm back at school tomorrow to begin my A-levels (crikey) and Emmerdale's really boring at the moment. In fact, there's not really that much on TV. Thank God for VM and GA.


Veronica Mars has completely confused me. If you miss one episode, it's hard enough to get back on track with the storyline. When you've missed the 3 before last night's like I have, you're just clueless. Why is Jackie nice? I quite liked her last night. Why is Terrence Cook being framed for the bus crash? Why is Dick still a dick?

That being said, I really enjoyed last night's episode. I'm not sure what I thought of the way the case was solved, but it was good to see Ryan (that's his name right?) so worried about being outed and his friends being outed as well. I saw a lot of myself in that. It was creepy.

Black Holes vs. Liberation Transmissions

Recently I purchased the best album I've ever heard, "Black Holes & Revelations", from Muse. I bought this on holiday (well, received for my birthday) along with 3 other albums. So as a blog, I decided to take the worst one I got and compare it with the best one. So basically, yet another blog in which I rip into Lostprophets ...

BH&R begins with the epic movie-esque track "Take a Bow", with the most dramatic ending to a track I've heard in a while, a fury of brass instruments and a repetitive guitar riff. From then, it leads into "Starlight", one of my personal favourite songs on the album and one of the rare times Muse have performed a love song. The worst song on the album is probably "Supermassive Black Hole", even though that song is the reason I requested it. And there's not many albums in which that can happen ... There are two tracks specifically to check out, "Knights of Cydonia" (superbly sci-fi) and "Exo-Politics" (an infectious rhythmic rant against the government).

"A Liberation Transmission" is on a completely different level to Muse, a much lower level and also a much lower level than their fantastic debut. Considering my hate for "Rooftops" (surprisingly, one of the better tracks), I don't even know why I bought it but I used to be a big Lostprophets fan when they first came out and I love their new single, "A Town Called Hypocrisy". It isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be, but there are a few tracks which I was forced to turn into. I didn't have to turn  over one track on BH&R.

Btw, Scissor Sisters' new stuff sucks.

It's Well Welsh (Average)

That's my opinion on The Charlotte Church Show and I'm sticking to it. The whole Welsh patriotism thing got very annoying after a while.

It's a shame about Steve Irwin. Australia has lost itself a legend. That being said, people are treating it like he's the only person in the world who died yesterday. Everyday thousands of folk die.

Thanks a bunch, LivingTV!

Dear LivingTV,

I would personally like to thank you for your trailer for Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy. It was really quite nice to know what happens throughout the whole entire season with your advertising skills. Such a shame that of course, anyone who has seen this advert will likely be angry with you that you've gone and spoiled the whole season. But hey, as long as the advert looks pretty right?

Lots of Love,

Mr. V Sarcastic


In other slightly bettter news, I got my GCSE results on Tuesday morning. I got 1 A (for English), 2 Bs, 4 Cs and 3 Ds (although 2 of those were a Double grade). I was quite pleased even though it means I have to resit my Science GCSE next year but I'm happy to do that. As long as I've got into 6th Form

Blogs Coming Up This Week: Album reviews and comparisons, The Charlotte Church Show first impressions, Veronica Mars Halfway Point Season 2 check-up stylee thing and an Emmerdale/Hollyoaks/Weeds blog

Intentional Drowning, Magic Kingdoms and Air Trauma

We're back from Florida. The holiday was amazing, they aren't lying when they say that Disney World is the happiest place on earth (whoever they are). I got my picture taken with my childhood idol, Donald Duck (I later got a Donald Duck t-shirt), at Animal Kingdom - as well as Eeyore. Me and my sister also posed with Chip N Dale and Lilo & Stitch while my mum and I had our picture taken with Mickey and Minnie. I'll try and put some pictures up later. I was planning to go on Expedition Everest while I was at Animal Kingdom but it broke down halfway through the day and I therefore decided against it.

Magic Kingdom is absolutely fantastic. The Big Thunder Mountain Railroad track has to be the best theme park ride ever, especially if you go on at night. The same can be said for Splash Mountain, which I really enjoyed despite being absolutely soaked.

There are so many fine crafted young people there too, particularly this one lifeguard at Blizzard Beach. Now I don't usually pretend to drown for a lot of people, but I really couldn't stop myself for this guy (fortunately I did it when most people had gone home so I didn't make a complete fool of myself). Unfortunately nothing came of it, and there goes my drowning fantasy (and I got water up my nose too. Not good). I met this other dude called Eli there though. He's about my age, and we exchnaged MSN addresses though. I'm pretty sure he's straight, but I plan to turn him ... even though he lives in Ohio.

Foodwise, we found this nice little Italian restaurant called Carraba's on the way back from Disney for my birthday meal. This was early on in the holiday so we weren't accustomed to the art of tipping, but the waitress talked us through it (probably telling us more than we needed it in order to get a bigger tip). The food there was completely splendid, although in such a large portion it also made a good breakfast the following day. If we go back, we have to go there again because we also went on the last night and got seats right opposite the cooking area. We got to see everything being cooked which was quite an experience, although I think the chef was nervous as I kept watching him to check he wasn't spitting in my lasagne.

TV-wise, I watched a lot of King of Queens reruns on UPN. A lot. I've never even watched that show before, but I am completely hooked on it. I also watched the pilot of Vanished which I thought was a bit so-so, and I spent a lot of the holiday watching Veronica Mars as I got Season 1 on DVD for my birthday. We managed to watch the whole season just in case it didn't work when I got home (it does) and other awesome news - I've got my dad hooked on it.

However, the flying portion of the holiday was absolutely dreadful. On the way there, I was just completely nervous for the full 8 hours and felt sick the whole time. I didn't have anything to eat (although I had a ton of water) and I just spent the time trying to sleep. What didn't help was that we'd had a 3 and a half hour delay. However, the flight back - although I was considerably calmer - was a lot worse. We were originally scheduled to take off from Sanford on Sunday night, but after about half an hour in the air the pilot announced that a part of the plane had fallen off (I went into a tearful fit at this point and am pretty sure I made a fool of myself to a bunch of strangers) and that we had to return to the airport. We were all rushed to the Marriot Hotel nearby (comfy) and the delay reached 27 hours. But in that time, I did become an Uno champion. On the actual plane home, the entertainment system on the new plane wasn't working and there was considerably less leg room. I didn't like that, and only got about 2 hours of sleep. And then when we got to Gatwick, it took us about an hour to get out of there. I really hate airports.

So here I am, completely jetlagged (and burnt like a lobster) but have a holiday that's worth the constant need of sleep.

Your 2 weeks begin now ...

So I'm off tomorrow. But I want to read all your comments and happy birthday comments and stuff like that before I go ... so I made this blog post. A bit pointless but hey, that's the fun of it.

Excluding the Princess Diane joke, last night's Friday Night Project had to be the best of the series. Though I concerned myself when I got everyword on "C**tdown" correct.

Sigh ... :D

And before I go, Lindsey! They are messing with Rick and Mike! I hate Alex, Alex is ruining my favourite couple. (We love our gay fiction)

Oh sh*t

And pretty much everything on there today is about planes. I'm looking forward to Sunday when all my posessions get taken away from me and I get incredibly bored for about 12 hours.

I understand they need to take precautions, but we're not even allowed to take on a pen and paper. Baby milk has to be tasted in front of officials. And I'm sorry, but you can hide a bomb in a wallet more easily than you could hide one in a book.

I'm so pissed off, we've been planning this holiday for 2 years and it's about to be ruined.

:( I am not happy

This is an Angel-free zone ...

Lindsey and I have stumbled upon a gay fiction website, and we have become hooked on a piece of fiction called The Silver Fox. It's a bit ... "unimaginitive" to post an extract here though, but it's really quite good. And Lindsey will back me up on that fact

Tomorrow night sees the beginning of The 4,400 Season 3 on Sky1. I watched this on and off last year and it's ok, though it's on at the same time as Weeds, a show I've really become quite addicted to.

I really want to watch this documentary about the Fat Beauty Pageant on Thursday night, but it's on at the same time as both Bad Girls and Scrubs, which creates a problem. A big problem.

And as a last word for this blog, you know how there are songs which you begin liking but they get way too overplayed and you end up hating the song? This is exactly my relationship with both Razorlight and Lostprophets at the moment. Especially the latter, of which the song "Rooftops" is beginning to drive me insane ... and not in a good way either