The PC will join the consoles with the unification of Xbox 720, Windows Phone, and Windows 8. Most likely Microsoft will make development for all these platforms universal across Visual Basic, and this will make it so any game on Xbox will be playable on a PC, Tablet, Phone, etc. (Given the hardware specs are met). So yeah, golden age for PC is coming.
HunterHP's forum posts
It didn't do anything to push game really nor did it improve over the Gamecube.
Wii had a bad online service like on the GC as well.
No DVD player
Same graphics and processing power as the GC as well.
The Wii never needed to exist as it did nothing groundbreaking during its existance.
Neither did the Gamecube. Nintendo's smart and realized their fanbase doesn't care about all that, they just want some casual entertainment. Plus they made a good move adding Netflix to their console.
There's no sense for Nintendo to change it's approach when it's obviously working.
no company would ever admit that they where going down the Pan because they don't know themselves, the truth is that SONY are doing pretty badly, they just posted there 4th consecutive loss, there company is only worth 1/5 of what it was in 2000, there credit rating has been downgraded to 'BBB' which is one level above Junk and they have 13 billion in debt with only a 17 billion market cap, at present they would not be able to afford the manufacturing costs of another console, true they have plenty of assets to sell but thats on the assumption that another company will actually buy them,personally i don't think SONY is going anywhere, not its games business anyway but it looks like europe may slip back into a recession and we may face another credit crunch and quite frankly SONY is not in a good position to 'weather it out', basically i think it is stupid for anybody to say definitively that SONY are doomed but it is juat as stupid to say they are not going anywhere either, we don't know whats going to happen, for good or ill we all just have to wait and see, hopefully SONY can turn there bad luck around, with Kaz now at the head they have a better chance of improving there fortunes, he may be an arrogant sod but he is a wise businessman and a good strategist.delta3074Good info, some facts to backup your hypothesis :D
50-60 million, maybe more, PS3s sold this gen. I doubt either Sony or Microsoft will quit.
That's a dumb rumor.
I agree. Being Second or Third place this generation is a lot different than being second or third last generation. Each console broke 50 million sold.
But, rumors like this only get me more fired up for e3.
Sony really didn't start making any money on their console until 2010. This was the case with the Xbox last generation, but at least Microsoft has enough capital to sustain themselves, Sony's in trouble. The numbers just don't add up. If they were to create a new system that had a manufacturing cost as the release of the PS3 ($802 or something), then they would only have enough cash to make less than 10 Million worldwide. Assuming they sell some assets they could increase production, but they would essentially be putting all their eggs in one basket.
I'm sure they could make small amounts and say "Oh we have a shortage" and people could sell theirs on Ebay for $10,000 but I don't think there's enough hype behind the PS4 for people to care about it.
Very surprised to see people call this Cowspot when theres noting but Lems on here claiming doom on Sony everyday lol. Keep it up, you're just proving you're the worst of the fanboys on this forum. Cows are far from as outspoken as lems are lol. Being a fanboy to a piece of plastic must suck. Buy all 3 consoles and save the heartache.Carlton-BanksThese threads were here when PS2 was out, except they were against the Xbox and how it sucked and how it was so terrible in Japan, and a huge paperweight, and the PS2 was more powerful because it hadn't been tapped to it's full potential, and they had these sales figure and everyone just kept saying the only thing Xbox has is Halo. This is what this forum is for, to make fun of someone while they're down. PS3 got greedy and released an overpriced console and they're still paying for that mistake. They allowed Xbox to capitalize and scoop up their fanbase (Casuals). Also, who keeps the same controller look? Did they even put some effort on the PS3, or did they think they could just ride on their brand name and think people were going to buy their console at that price? Really, they deserve what's coming, and the reality is Microsoft is heading the same direction if they don't ease up on Xbox Live being mandatory to watch Netflix.
They might release it for both...
When Microsoft launches Windows 8 next generation and unifies console, mobile, and PC gaming, this thread will be irrelevant.
I saw it for $8.99 Pre-Owned in Gamespot, but I didn't buy it. Would it be worth $9 dollars?
I downloaded the developer preview, and it's not too bad, but it's just not a significant change. I think releasing a hybrid of touchscreen and kb/mouse is a mistake.
There are some people that continue to dismiss the Kinect, but the fact is that it is a tool for new gaming experiences.
I don't know how many people have smartphones, but there are apps that have Augmented Reality. This is that you can look through the phones camera and you can enhance what you see with whatever you want to include.
Google has been working on some Augmented Reality goggles.
By the time time 2020 comes out, who's to say there won't be glasses that interface with a kinect like device that will make virtual reality gaming possible.
Some people state sales as the reason these consoles will continue to exist, but the reality is different consoles actually hinder gaming. The idea of buying a console strictly to be able to play a handful of "Exclusives" is ridiculous. It only makes sense that games become multiplatform games where everyone can enjoy them.
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