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#1 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

Quick update on things; I'm almost done with the Bad Company 2 achievements. I just need to get the rest of my Vietnam expansion weapons up to 100 kills, and I'll have the full score.GreggD

that is pretty cool. I got all of them but the specact, that last stand(or whatever it is called) expansion, and a few Nam ones. I didn't but the extra uniform skins or that expansion and there is a bucketfull of trophies from that.

@ the only E1: I kind of gave up games...until the summer. I am doing pretty good with it...but I get shooter withdrawls. I was peeling a potato the other day and before I knew it i was trying to use it like a controller. I only realized this because I thought my triggers were stiff. :s

@Madame KatScan: First off...that would be your villian name if you were a noble and had a phd in brain knowledge.

I am thinking of building his might mausoleum upon Mt. Everest. But i read this thing a month or two back about the crazy crap people are finding on that mountain. Apparently, when people climb it they discard their trash to reduce weight...and people just do not carry trash with them.  So there are these piles of trash here and there...and one time...they found a body. not cool.

as for the bus drivers...I think there is a growing cult of them that hate me. I think that was from my times at trying to "ghost-ride the bus". not as fun as it sounds I must also add.

@Chang: I honestly think my sis wanted to keep the snowman to herself. We were shoveling the drive way and when it was her turn to shovel I made him. We liked him and I simply planned on leaving him by the car port thing. But she went for him, tried to keep a child from taking him, and as she ran toward the front door she dropped him.

You could see his body sections all over the place...there was no coming back from that. :(

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#2 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

And that is one badass snowman. Just look at these pimp hands, and those eyes...those muda phakin eyes. You just know he got eberybody in da hood. Man, Mr.'ll be missed, bro.

Holy crap. Hush, you never told me you were such a successful businessman. I'm surprised you're not a millionaire by now.


Aye...Mr. Snowman...he didn't take crap from anyone. Probably why he was constantly visiting his parole officer.

I am not much of a businessman...more like a conman. As for not being a millionaire, well, I keep losing my money. And not from investments or bank robberies...I forget it on buses a lot. I don't even know why I ride on them. I have a good car...perhaps I like hanging out strangers?



Happy birthday! :D

As for the pizza, I hope I have enough coupons to buyz it :)

*pulls out wad of coupons

I might have enough for a slice, I call the pepperoni by the crust! :)OmegaAce1313

If you plan wisely you can hit up a Pizza Hut for a good deal. They won't screw you over like Subway. I mean, I eat several sandwiches and get all those stickers and fill out a whole card. And what do I get I only get half a sandwich and I have to buy a drink!

One day...Jared's tyranny will end! *the funny thing is, I have a little football signed by him. He went to some military bases in Okinawa and my sis got me one. She even took a picture with the tyrant!


well kiddo's! I made oreo pudding so I am going to go eat some and watch The Expendables! PEACE I'M OUTTA HERE!

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#3 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

Hmm...but what'd we do with the macaroni pictures/popcorn necklaces? Sell 'em to the highest bidder?

Sure, sure...if you're fast enough to notice there was one piece left. I have to warn you, I have ninja hands.

Winter's alright I suppose. My sis visited me on my birthday (which you all forgot, SHAME ON YOU ;___; ), which was a nice gesture since she lives with her husband in America. We hung out in the end and did silly stuff with the snow. It was fun.

Also, I can't stop listening to this.


So you didn't get my package in the post? Well, I got you a turtle for your birthday. Hmmmm...I wonder what happened to it. Well...


That is cool that your sis came and visited you. And I think you must be stalking me because that is what I did for winter. But I went from America to Europe.

I made this:

and a snow angel. However, the tiny snowman lasted about an hour.I left him in front of the garage/car port thing (I dunno what Germans call it) and my sis wanted to go an save him. She either wanted to put him in a freezer of upstairs on the terraceaway from pedestrians.She went to go get him and she RAN because some little girl was going to go take sister grabbed him and he was demolished.

I guess it was better for him to go quickly than suffer a slow death from small children or metling. :(


That beat is pretty cool. As for music, I have that Tally-ho/Taijo song (from slumdog millionaire song) stuck in my head.


As for the Macaroni pictures and Popcorn necklaces...hear me out. We make false identities, like leonardo decappucino in Catch Me If You Can. So, under these false identities we make these works of art. Then we fake our false identities death. that way there will be a HUGE Price Spike in our art. I mean, lots of artists couldnt sell a painting they made in life but when they kicked the can people forked over cash for anything. This is how we will buy our future yacht and start pirating in the mediterranean.

^I pay good money to go to college to come up with these ideas. I know my ancestors are proud of me.

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#4 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

@K-money: Fingerpainting is totally legit! But if you are not down for it we could make macaroni pictures or popcorn necklaces!

 As for the pizza, we can share it. However, we will have to arm wrestle if there is one piece left and we both want it. It is the only honorable thing to do.

How've you been? Had a good winter? *or is winter still going on for you?

It is cold outside, 20degrees in Texas. THIS IS MADNESS!

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#6 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

I agree with Kat about the lunch deal. I like Pizza...Pizza Hut pizza. Thank you Omega! :)

Hey, it's da Hush! Wazaaaap?


 Nothin much homeslice! Just pretending to learn and some other crazy stuff. We should catch up some fingerpainting maybe. I only say that because I swiped a sweet set of paints off this neighborhood kid. I told that rascal..."stay off my lawn. The first time you get a warning. The second time I take something precious from you. Next time...I make sure you have no family to go home to."


But bring the paper, I got the paints.

@Shauny: I didnt know we had a club either...hrmmmmm. and Silent Hill 3 huh? Have fun with that.

@D3: Props to you!!! Dark Soul looks cool from the lil trailer. But it doesn't look like you can set up parties...still looks like the phantom things that assist you. Then again...maybe thats how a party is formed in this game...just have your friends as ghosts.

@Chang: Oh man...i wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. I hear the blazing of gun fire, the swoosh and whoop of magic, and the background music of tetris. I do not know how much longer I can survive this before my sanity is consumed...i should invest in ritilin.

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#7 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

Anyway, me and a friend were discussing Castlevania oldies the other night...and this question came up: When is it ever actually a good night to have a curse?-Katsuri-


Thursdays. It's still a weekday but by the time you sort out everything, it will be the weekend and you will be golden for a party!





and CONGRATS Omega! *fireworks start shooting off*

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#8 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

Hey guys and gals! Got a minute from my studies and being lazy to drop by and say SUP!

Happy Birthday Conver and Happy Birthday CUU!And may you both have many more!


Also, I have not played a game for over ten days now. Not once. *eye twitch


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#9 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts

Hope you have a good time with your exercises. I remember my mother having to do the physical therapy stuff after her stroke-thing. It really goes a long way so definitely keep it up!

I also have skype...I think if you type my name in you should be able to find me...I think. I do not use it much, I mostly just yell at it.


Well, my classes started up. My HR class is pretty cool, my philosphy class is weird, my globalization clas is interesting, and my Japanese class has me stumped.

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#10 HushRong
Member since 2008 • 13183 Posts the moment. Metal Gear sounds cool though...and perhaps the RE game.

ever go out and realize you are wearing a siblings/friends clothes instead of your own?