HushRong's forum posts
@Chang: It is good to be back on the CUU! and speaking of weather...did you get some of the crazy snow storms I had heard hit the east coast?
@Plumma: That is an interesting idea. I personally would want a fast-paced remix of the Mission Impossible theme song for an elevator ride. One cd I have in my car has an electronic remix of the same song and it makes driving to places GREAT!
and lately, my interest in games has been in decline. I buy less and less games every year and I am not hyped up by many games like I used to be. I think it is because of me becoming a mature adult...but one game had me running around my house jumping off of stuff and doing mortal kombat moves. that games ladies and gentlemen, is No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise!!!
An HD upgrade of the original No More Heroes game that I am super mother$#&@ing psyched about! And it uses the Move thing...which...will require movement. Hmmm i didnt think about that thing. I may have to take it easy with the move thing since I am getting older.
Even though it is a suped up copy of the first game I am still stoked, because my butt-pirate of a sister won't share the Wii!!!
What is the greatest flaw of your most favorite character (can be from anything)?
Yet another strange, random and cryptic hello from the Plumma. :)SupaMarioPlumma
You should write more haha! Otherwise...we will have resort to 'stranger met in an elevator' conversations like:
Did you catch the game on Monday? It was quite a show!
and I am back in America...where I do not have my favorite beers, flaming rum drinks, bakeries, and foods.
MERRYCHRISTMASand whatever else folk do during this season!!!!
has told me twice already, What the Rock is Cooking!
No real idea honestly. Perhaps WH40K Space Marine &/or Dark Millinieum will come out?
best use for a wooden plank?
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