@polter: dude...8pm? i think you are now the OLDESt one here. i swear...if you eat supper at 4:30...we are going to have serious problems!
@arch: i dont know how but i just misread your comment. i thought you said you read ALL of the Burnt Pradise pages. that would be some feat haha.
as for allergies...never had them thanks to grade-a military injections as a kid. good times. but i live in Austin TX now and this place makes people get allergies. So just in case i started to eat locally produced honey because i heard that there is some science that helps curb it.
well, new episode of south park to watch, some punks to own on bc2, and its off to bed! Tomorrow i head to Houston, the Mecca of Vietnamese in America, for thurs night to fri night. so i might not be online because my oldest aunt doesnt trust technology for some reason an thus...has no internetz
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