@Mikenasty89 The difference is when you disable online, you can't play games. MS is betting on the fact that your connection will at least work once a day and that....is playing with fire, blades, wolves and STD's imo
To say GS was disappointed with MS' press conference is an understatement. You hear people say GS is full of idiots for ripping MS. But they wouldn't have if MS gave them a reason to be excited. Read the article properly people, he's speaking as a disappointed gamer, not someone jumping on the PS4 bandwagon.
One thing I think some MS fanboys don't realize is that GS didn't write cause they jumped on the "bandwagon." In the past whenever they reviewed a game that was multiplat. The 360 version was always the version I saw as the default version reviewed, so thats not the problem. What Tom McShea is saying is that MS is basically telling us what we're allowed and not allowed to do, and what we have to do to play a game. We shell out over 60 dollars for a game only to find out that we just paid all that money to let MS cuff us with all these policies. As a gamer, that doesn't work for me. When I buy a game, its MINE, when I lend someone a game, its MINE and if my internet connection isn't working, guess what I do? I play games and if MS is taking that away with these mandatory check-ins, whats the point of supporting that? Why support a company that takes away our rights as gamers? How can anyone benefit from this? Plain and simple, its idiotic on a scale never before seen.
@Gamernametaken Exactly, they don't care about us, fine. There's another company who's more than willing to cater to gamers. Actually two but you get the idea.
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