@FollowY0urBliss When isn't Nintendo in trouble, and like always some how some way they bounce back. As for 3rd party support I'm not holding my breathe for that anymore. Nintendo is going to have to fend for themselves to succeed and stop worrying about these third parties coming in to save them. Let's face facts if there is any company in this industry that can survive of there own merits it's Nintendo. Worrying about these third parties is just a big waste of time.
While Dead Island was a great title I'd hardly call it system seller. Of all these games not coming tho the Wii U the only two games that are considered a real loss here is Bioshock Infinite and GTA V. Both if done correctly would have been phenomenal on that system. E3 can't get here soon enough!!
@emptycow LMAO......Nintendo is all greed? Do you even realize that the entire industry is in it to make money? I'll see you in another 8 to 10 years when Nintendo releases yet ANOTHER system.
@emptycow You're slapping Nintendo on the hand for something that a number of publishers are guilty of. This difference is Nintendo keeps a limited number of franchises going, which is smart business, hell you listed the the sale numbers yourself. Doesn't really make sense to have franchises all over the place for two reason.
1. Why should Nintendo waste time and money creating a new franchise when so many in this industry think they're destined for failure anyway.
2. When you have a large amount of franchises floating around the quality of the games begin to suffer and soon a number of them fade into obscurity.
@Celsius765 There is no such thing as a real gamer, just another ridiculous thing that we came up with to separate the masses. Weather you clock in 2hrs or 12hrs of gaming a day.......simply put you're just a gamer.
@wcbigguy4 Still not buying it.....and they do have a regular controller available.
What's even more interesting that when we were kids we dreamed of having controllers like this in the future of gaming and now that it's here everyone is crying fowl.
@Celsius765 There's no such thing as a casual gamer, that's just some nonsense that gamers made up to explain the unbelievable success of the Wii. Nintendo just simply created a system that any Joe off the street could play, which was the basic idea in the first place........to create gamers.
HydePark1980's comments