Years from now Nintendo will release another console, and another article like this one will follow. "Nintendo is doomed, Nintendo should become a 3rd party" That song is almost as old as some of Nintendo's franchises.
WTF?!!! What is this guy smoking?! People want to call Nintendo out on re-hashing their franchises over and over again, then you better damn sure call out everyone else in the industry that's pulling the same shit. Let's be real here, this industry has reached a point with games where unless you're either shooting, dismembering or blowing shit up nobody cares about your games.
@LindBergh2007 @HydePark1980 "Comment FAIL" Wow where are my manners?...... I did't know that someone from Sega's finance dept would be here. Thank you for setting the record straight for all of us on how much Sega has in the bank.
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