Just a thought but if the system breaks you would pretty much lose everything because it seems that your downloads are attached to your system not your account. Then again Nintendo rarely ( if any) produces systems that break or malfunction.
@marinevetstl No one can say "Nintendo doesn't care about their consumers".......this biggest slap in the face in the industry and the damn year just started!!
@dechizen92 I would agree with that however we don't know what this system is fully capable of yet. Not mention we have no concrete info on Sony and MS next system.
@deathstream You're right the FACTS are there......the fact is people have been saying that Nintendo is doomed for well over a decade now. The fact is Nintendo makes games that bring gamers back to a time when video games were good old fashion fun. The fact is no true gamer (not a hardcore, serious or even that casual bullshit) would ever want Nintendo to fail.
@hostX9 @abHS4L88 Here's the problem with REAL GAMES......the classification of them is just ridiculous. REAL GAMES are generally defined as games with a serious tone to them. I've been a gamer for years now and at what point did we reach that absurd conclusion!?
but just because they choose this extreme method to handle there grief I'm not going to label them idiots or morons. It makes us no more judgmental then they are of our of our video games and movies (violent or not).
Every time I come on this site its "Nintendo will not get this or Nintendo has only sold that." Damn people if I didn't know better I'd swear that a lot of people out there want to see Nintendo fail. I guess the real question would be how exactly would Nintendo's failure benefit this industry?
@FreedomPrime @Thanatos2k It's one small town that's grieving and I'm sure they are handling it in multiple ways. This just happens to be one of them that pertains to this website Is this something that will be asked of the rest of the nation?......of course not. People grieve in different ways some more extreme then others....I don't think any of us would have the balls to walk right into that town and say "hey what you guys are doing is stupid" to any of their faces at this time in their lives.
HydePark1980's comments