Why do so many console gamers come to articles like this one specifically to take cheap shots at pc gamers? I guess you could also ask why do many Microsoft fanboys and Sony fanboys hate one another as well? It's difference in choice; someone didn't pick what you did, which gives you insecurity in that choice. Now I should point out I’m a gamer .... you would probably call me a PC gamer since I only play my consoles when there is a exclusive title I want to play which isn't often but I do own a PS3 and a xbox 360 and enjoy them. I think the main reason most gamers are console only is out of fear or misunderstanding of PCs since they are cheaper, more flexible, more powerful tools to game with. This reminds me of the Tablet will kill Desktop conversations laughable at best that's like suggesting pizza pockets will kill pizza there is no comparison between them they serve different purposes and neither will ever take over the other's area.
It’s become popular to say that PC gamers are elitists. There's a difference between being a snob about it and saying it because it's a fact. A $400 gaming PC done RIGHT > any current console's hardware, considering that the consoles were made on 2005 hardware. And I LOVE some of these pc hating nitwits that make sure to only state prices of the most high end PC parts and an overpriced, pre built computer from a store that wants to rip you off and make you think that $10k is the standard for a gaming PC. A PC with a $2k GPU is an entirely different beast on its own. Most gaming computers cost less than that for the whole thing.
PC's offer a massive benefit of customization that you cannot get anywhere else and the ability to constantly stay on top of the most current hardware, even if no game on the market utilizes that amount of hardware. Also, stop saying you have to upgrade your pc every 4 years to keep up because anybody that has a decent rig will tell you that’s a load of crap that comes from someone who’s just polluting the forums with second hand bullshit heard from another idiot that has no idea what they’re talking about. The fact is consoles are a convenience and they serve a purpose but PC’s will always be faster and more capable and thanks to companies like Valve, games will always be less expensive.