@sev2010 Why? That's crazy to me. Let me tell you something... I own a PS3, XBox360, I have a Wii and a WiiU, I also got my pre order in for a PS4 and I plan on getting a Xbone eventually. I love games so I buy them. If someone wants to say "**** Microsoft", they can say it all day. Why would I get offended? They aren't talking about me or anybody important to me. You can say screw Microsoft all day. That's not going to stop me from playing my 360 or even buying an XB1. Screw Sony to. I'll say it all day while playing Infamous.
@7C7R7N7 It's not the best GTA ever but It's still worth playing imo if you're not playing anything else. Plus the two expansions improved the game tremendously.
@Daercoma Obviously any explanation anyone here gives you, you're not going to agree with it anyway. You clearly prefer XB1 for it's exclusives and that great! People are entitled to their opinions so you jumping on everybody who liked Sony's conference just looks like you're fishing for an argument. Just let people have their opinion and leave it alone.
@mike468 Lol! Fair enough. I never understood the whole "consumer loyalty" attitude either. In the end, you have two awesome next gen consoles and both with awesome games. Since MS changed their policies, the XB1 has become a must buy for me. I have always owned more than one system and I don't see that changing now.
@mike468 Well, at least you're happy with the xbones exclusives. I'll personally hold off for a while on buying xbone. PS4 has more games I'm interested in and I'd feel like a fool not continuing my PS+ membership. As long as MS keeps their word and continue supporting the 360 then I'm set.