@vader501st @kiramasaki I wish I shared your enthusiasm for xbox1. I just can't do it though. I can't see myself supporting MS and the exclusives didn't impress me. I'm sure it will be a fine console but if I go next gen, I'm getting a PS4.
@ZedThePlatypus I think both sides are equally angry. They start of meaning well but then an xbox fan says something against PS4 and then the PS4 fan says something against xbox. Anarchy ensues.
@blue_shift_91 @IAMTYLERDURDEN Ah well. Listen. Sony put their innovation where it mattered most, when I think about what I want from a next gen system, it's better graphics and immersive game play. Sony delivered this two fold and at a better price than xbone. MS on the other hand, concentrates on DRM and a hands free remote that no one wants. Enjoy your cable box fellas and make sure MS wears a condom before you let them stick it to you.
@blue_shift_91 You're retarded if you think that. If the PS4 is simply an upgraded PS3, what does that make the xbone considering it's not as powerful?