@PadyEos Yeah, you're right, with those specs you shouldn't be having any problems. It could be an nvidia issue as I have an ATI card and no issues at all.
@CruiserCaptain @Slade968 It will probably come later as some bs dlc. The single player is great as is but you're right, free roam multi player would be boss. :)
Weird, my most anticipated game this year was AC3 with Hitman Absolution a close second. I picked up this game on a whim and it has me so immersed in it's world that I can't stop playing. I would really like to get back to the other games eventually but... The island beckons.
@bakagami @Ka3DX Not really a big deal dude. Just go back and read the thread like I did. You're telling me to quote a post because you think that I'm lying for some reason. I have nothing against you but you calling me a liar is insulting and most people would find offense to what you said. If you doubt me that's fine. But at least read the posts from earlier.
@bakagami @Wizallah When this topic posted earlier there were a lot of people here who agreed that the WiiU update sucked. That the controller felt like a cheap toy and so on. These are people who purchased the system and were not happy with it right now.