CJFreeze you have to admit, that if you didn't have access to games, you might have found other, possibly more productive ways to keep yourself occupied when you are bored. Think about it.. Why do you prefer gaming to things like reading books, going out for fishing or to play basketball? Because it's more enjoyable or fun to you, right? Well, if that's the case than it is already a problem in itself. You might very well, be doing enough other things aside from gaming through your day, but if you weren't gaming you'd do alot more of this. I am doing fine in college, but if I wasn't playing games I'd be doing BETTER. I have a job, but if I wasn't playing games I'd have a BETTER job. I don't have a girl, but if I wasn't playing games I might have had one. I am in a very poor physical shape, but if I wasn't playing games, maybe I'd be working out. So what the hell is stopping me from NOT playing games? Well, it's the fact that I am addicted! Every time I quit, I always come back to games after a while. Every time I want to look for a better job, I'd rather play games. Every time I am trying to work out, I get tired after 5min, and go play a game because it's more fun, and it's easier. Every time I want to read a book, I rather go play a game. I do in fact have a problem, and I need help. But unfortunately, there are no doctors that specialize in gaming addiction, because there is too many people who choose to ignore this problem. As seen in the case of gypsygib two posts below mine, he even prefers video games to SEX! Which doesn't surprise me, since I sometimes preferred playing games to going out with my GF. There is just too many people who are in denial on these forums. Keep those thumbs down coming. Apparently I simply cant get enough! I already have 12, so let's make a new record!
You are very wrong bleedingscalp... What you are saying here is "wishful thinking". By the same token, I can say that alcohol and cigarettes, in moderate quantities are fine, and it's not these things that are the problem, it's the people who are depressed, or posses "other negative characteristics that are the real problem". I can see right there that you are not an educated, informed person because you go as far as to label depression and other such ailments as "negative characteristics". I'm not even going to comment on that. Gaming addiction is a very serious problem, and it should be getting a lot more attention than it does. Unfortunately out society is full of ignorant individuals that are quick to label game addicts as introverted dorks with no life, prone to developing mental disorders and other similar issues. I'm not saying that gaming should be abolished, but parents should make sure that their kids grow up to be conscious, well informed, and responsible individuals who realize that games should be played in moderation. There should be rehab centers for gaming addicts that help these people break their addiction, and get back to "normal life", which may very well be impossible for some on their own after many years of gaming addiction.
bigtigga... you are not too bright are you? $6000 on a gaming system? lol What the hell are you talking about? I have a $700 system I built myself that will pwn your $2000 Dell/HP/Gateway/any other brand any day. And it wont be obsolete in a few months. Do you know why? Because I know what I'm doing, and I built my system to be easily and CHEAPLY upgradable. I will upgrade it for only $200-400 when needed and it will keep pwning your "$6000 PCs that you have to upgrade every two months". ;) Remember.. Just say "no" to virtual communism. What you want is democracy when it comes to your gaming. You don't want someone else to control how you game. Oh and btw, this is most likely a stupid April fool's joke. Today's tech is not powerful enough to "stream" games like crysis. If this is not the case, I.... I will eat my hat. (well not really, but you get the idea)
NO THANKS. I want to be in control, not let someone control how I play my games, and if I can play them. I PREFER to upgrade my computer by myself to play games, and obtain my games in ways I see fit. It's better that letting someone turn me into a mindless "user" drone and take care of everything for me for a fee. This is fail. Let's not let others control our gaming and out lives.
"Some netbooks cost as little as $200, making them almost throwaway items. " Really? Damn... How much do you guys earn? I thought you weren't working with AIG... Better yet, if $200 is nothing for you, throw them away in my pocket please. I'll make sure to use em for something much more important like paying my bills or buying food. I mean, hey, it's THROWAWAY, so anyone who agrees with this statement, please forward all your throwaway money my way. "You might not be happy if your laptop bag walked away with one of them in there, but you certainly wouldn't be shedding tears. " Are you kidding? I'd be crying like a little b*tch! I realize that some netbooks are cheap in comparison to other PCs, but $200 is still a lot of money to me. So speak for yourself please, and I'm glad you are doing so damn well during these times... *a bit of sarcasm there*
Where is the intel i7 ?! Isn't that what the new AMD CPU should have been compared to? I understand the i7 is more expencive and generally in the higher "league", but it should have been compared anyway so people have an idea of how wide the gap is.
I see no reason to upgrade this year from my 2 year "old" 8800GTS 640mb. It still runs every single game I play at max settings at 1280x1024 on my 17" monitor, and probably will continue doing so for at least another year. I am actually surprised that this is the case, because in the past, I had to upgrade video cards every two years and sometimes every year...
Woop-dee-do! I personally only care because the prices on the Slim PSP will drop on ebay. Slightly better colors, anti glare, new video input and microphone... So what? Most people use the PSP for emulation purposes anyway. And with that in mind, all these new features are either useless or not essential(in the case of a better LCD). I'll be plenty satisfied playing dozens of ROMS on my older PSP. For those that already own "ANY" PSP, getting this one is a big waste of money.
They should have tested with more games like Oblivion and Stalker. IMO Games based on HL2 engine shouldn't be tested at all since they were coded specifically for ATI cards, so performance with nVidia will always suffer. It sux that Crysis performance is so bad, but if this card is priced well in the future, it might be worth it in the long run. Currently, the price is just way too high for this purchase to be worth it. The nVidia rival card can be had for less, and X2's potential cant be fully unlocked till everything is sorted out software wise. Why would anyone want to waste their money then?!
These new cards mean absolutely nothing to an "average" gamer. They are ridiculously expencive, and are priced such that the cheaper cards WILL NOT fall down in price with the arrival with these new ones. I suppose it makes sense since nVidia doesn't really have any strong competition from ATI when it comes to it's 8 and 9 series cards. The only upside here, is that game designers are not crazy. They realize that most people cant afford these new cars, and because they want heir games to sell, they will make them scalable enough to be ran on older cards, and still allow to turn on all eye candy on lower resolutions such as 1280x1024. For this reason, there's simply not much to do with all that power the 280 offers. At the moment, it's really just a toy for people who have too much money. Most games will run at max settings, on older cards just fine. And Crysis? Who plays it anyway? No wonder the devs behind that game switched to the console market. Most people who bothered to play Crysis were the ones who pirated it, since they had nothing to lose if the game didn't run well enough on their PCs.
IBEX333's comments