II_Seraphim_II's forum posts
I take it you're in basic sciences? I am in med school, and about to take my Step 1 exam and my advice is to not mess around during your basic science years. These are some of the most important times you will have. If you find that you are having a hard time studying, I suggest getting a hold of the Kaplan USMLE Step 1 videos and lecture notes and going through those. Yes, they are review lectures but they are very helpful in giving you an understanding of the topics at hand. But thats not all, you need to read the indepth books.The Board wont question you on those topics, but a deeper understanding will help you answer more complicated topics. Good luck! Oh yeah im assuming you are in the US...if not, then my advice may not be as helpful.Heres my story.
I am a professional slacker, ive always been lazy, at highschool I neve id more than the necessary homework to present exams, I skept classes etc, i rather play vgs for hour or get slammed with my pals than studing, yet i passes with an avg of 4.0.
The thing is that I got into med school, and its killing me, its just so much material, i thought I could handle it just like in high school, and i barely passed my first 2 exams, since then ive been studing around 4 hours a day and its still not enough. Its been specially difficult since i dont even know how to study poroperly. My lifestyle has taken a turn for the worse, its not fun, its not even entretaining, and its killing my socail life, but I really want to graduate as a surgeon.
Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? What did you do? WHY?
I think the TC brought up some great examples, here's another one I thought of that could be very useful:
Team based games - Chat Wheel
If you've ever played Dota2, then you know the chat wheel. I think the touch pad could be used as a quick and intuitive way to give commands or relay information real fast on the go in a team based multiplayer game, for instance Battlefield 4. Sure, a mic would be preferable, but this has it uses. You could use it to mark an opponent, to give squad commands that everyone can see, and are updated immediately on the minimap/map. It could be very useful!
EDIT: Also, while on the topic of the chat wheel, it could also be used as a quick and instant access weapon wheel! for instance, you could have 8 points mapped on the touch pad. Top, bottom, left, right, top left corner (L+R), bottom corner (L+R). All you would have to do is swipe in the desired direction and the game would automatically equip whatever weapon you have mapped there. This would take away the limitation in console games where u either have only 2-4 weapons equippable at once, or you have to use the weapon wheel which pauses the game and/or is cumbersom. This would give u quick access like the number keys on your keyboard.
I'm already deaf in one ear so I try to protect the other as much as possible when I go to concerts. I do hate it when I leave a bar and my ear is ringing.Travo_basicomg...that would drive me crazy. I have this almost OCD thing with symmetry and I cant imagine living my life with only 1 functional ear, or eye or arm, etc....It would drive me insane :? But im sorry to hear about your hearing loss :(
[QUOTE="deeliman"]As long as it's not console & PC, then yeah... Cool. Some games already have it. Like that new upcoming Hell Divers game. You can play together from Vita, PS3 or PS4Now all that remains is cross-platform gaming! :D
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