But thats the problem. People can literally pay to win. Sure, I can be the sane minded guy, who takes his time to earn everythig, but Richie Rich over here can just pay and get everything and ROFLSTOMP me in multiplayer.
WoW and or Guild Wars 2 is being re-released? Badosh
I miss WoW, but i really didnt like Guild Wars all that much. It was pretty boring and the entire combat system and skill system was lame as hell IMO. Would rather have the holy trinity any day of the week
i can deal with a advantage so as long as its not a difference between 30 vs 60 fps Im fine. I cant see a graphical advatage taking away from the gameplay but I guess you never know
I agree...the major difference that always bugs me in games is framerate. Thats the most important thing. The higher the better, but more important than just aiming for higher FPS is to aim for a STABLE FPS
I wanna know more about Everybody's gone to rapture. Shadow of the Beast was a favorite of my father, so I look forward to seeing that. Rime looks fantastic...giving me mad ICO vibes. and Hell Divers looks like fun :D Murasaki baby has a great artstyle
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