Easier said than done.
So what you are saying is rather than taking their time to fix their industry, they should come and put all their bullshit on us? Cause fixing their own mess is "easier said than done"? Come on, game developers are becoming whinning little babies, and if they think that pissing us off, the people who buy their prodcuts and thus allow them to continue to exist, is the way to go, well maybe they deserve to go out of business. There is clearly a problem on their end with the distribution of wealth. I cant sign a record deal and then complain that my fans should pay more money for my albums because my record label is ripping me off. I mean, I could try, but my fans would tell me to go frak myself. Besides game development isnt a charity. You aren't guaranteed success. Its a highly competitive world. Some people make it and some dont. Imagine if every single stock broker and accountant complained that they arent making millions like the people on Wallstreet. Or if every amateur singer/actor complained that they arent getting paid millions. You knew the business before you came in. Its highly selective so quit bitching.
You've never truly had ownership of the product(you've never been able to dig through the source code and modify the games you've bought). You've always just had ownership of the license to use the product. They are simply changing the terms of that license. I understand why you are upset about that, but PC Gamers have dealt with the same terms for years and been perfectly OK.
No one expects that level of ownership. When I buy a product, I want to own the FINISHED product, not all the work that went into creating a finished product. That would be like after buying a new Ferrarri, you go over and demand the company give you their highly sensitive and top secret documents on their latest technology that was used in the car to give it that competitive edge. No company has ever done that, and no company ever will. They promise to give you the finished working product, not the instruction manual on how you can replicate their product and put them out of business, so I dont understand your second point. And while there are licenses saying all this legal mumbo-jumbo, most of the ridiculous stuff (regarding physical ownership) has never been enforced because they know it would be unenforcable.
Movies = $20 for a one time view license.
Games = $60 for an unlimited license.
Would you rather the gaming industry adopt a model similar to the film industry where they offer games for $20 for a single use license(Box Office) and then have a $40 license for unlimited use(Home Video).
But keep in mind, games (ever the shortest of which) are much longer than 1.5 - 2 hours. Furthermore, the marketplace for gaming is such that playing such a game requires ownership of a secondary expensive product to facilitate play(a console). So, perhaps to fix that we can string up a massive infrastructure of venues where the games can be played on the single use license(movie theater), and you can go visit those places to play your games.
Oh wait, this is all completely absurd. Almost as absurd as trying to compare the film industry with the gaming industry. They operate on two completely different business models and have vastly different market penetration.
Sorry man, do you forget that movies are also sold on DVD and Blu ray? Those are unlimited licenses. Pretty much what is happening is that the gaming industry is spending more money than they can afford, and then they are complaining when they go out of business. That's all there is to it. In any other business in the world, I learn to spend the money that makes sense for my profits. If your games are averaging 60million dollars in profit, then dont go spending 100 million to make the game. Its a gamble to you take plain and simple. Look at that new Will Smith movie, After Earth. It cost over 100mil to make and it made less than half of that. So should the movie company
A) Enforce new DRM to ensure that they can make more money from the movie
B) Not make a crappy movie the next time, or perhaps not spend as much money on a single movie that they are unsure about?
Pretty much what is happening here is the equivalent of you going to a casino, leaving with less money than you came in with, and then complaining that the Casino's should change their rules and make the pay out more and the winning ratio more. You came into the casino knowing what it was. So bet with the money you can afford to lose. Dont throw in all your money then complain when you leave broke.
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