Far from it. It's a SRPG, resembling Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea, but with groups of 3 monsters/characters instead of single units. And different mechanics, of course.
Icare0's forum posts
I've finally come to the conclusion that I want a DSI or DS Lite . On March 25- 27 I'll be getting one of the two
There are 2 games so far I'll get with it
Kingdom Hearts 358/2
Pokemon: Heart Gold
what should be my 3rd, I play almost every genere
Mario Kart? It's aways good to have a game that you can play when you're tired of the others.
This. It could use a lot of tweaking. The 3 koma trunks and the 3 koma seiya breaks the game.
I really cant express just how mad Id be if it didnt get a sequel.
D-pad controls?
Okay, now, it could be playable.
So I am considering getting a DS again. I had one, but it broke and I took some time off from portable gaming. I have played all of the Mario games (NSMB, SMB 64, and Mario Kart), the Metroid games, and Zelda PH. I will definitely be getting Zelda ST.
I was wondering what everyone considered the top 3 non Zelda/Mario/Metroid games on the DS? As a stipulation, I don't like Pokemon or any anime style games. No offense, but it just isn't for me.
Depends on which kind of games you prefer. Puzzles? Layton series, Picross and Tetris DS. Adventure? Hotel Dusk, the Broken Sword, and, if you get pass the anime-ish style, Phoenix Wright is a must. RPG? Final Fantasy series, Dragon Quest, and again, if you get past the anime thing, The World Ends With You. For SRPG, FFTA2.
There are just too many choices. Limit your preferences.
Thanks. I will definitely look at Hotel Dusk and Professor Layton. I think i might avoid Phoenix Wright, as I am a law student and any inaccuracies will probably bug me. Haha. Anyone else have any good ideas? What are the best non-Nintendo platformers? What about games with great stories? Any good Star Wars games? Thanks!I'm a law student too, and didn't care about the inaccuracies. After all, it's kind of impossible make a game based on a real Law System and still have a good plot. Plus, i'ts very loosely based on the Japanese Law System, so innacuracy with ours law systems are unavoidable.
Then, we have a common problem.
If you're gonna just play for fun, HG/SS. If for some reason you want to get into competitive battling, both.
My DS is from the U.S. and I live in Brazil.
So I am considering getting a DS again. I had one, but it broke and I took some time off from portable gaming. I have played all of the Mario games (NSMB, SMB 64, and Mario Kart), the Metroid games, and Zelda PH. I will definitely be getting Zelda ST.
I was wondering what everyone considered the top 3 non Zelda/Mario/Metroid games on the DS? As a stipulation, I don't like Pokemon or any anime style games. No offense, but it just isn't for me.
Depends on which kind of games you prefer. Puzzles? Layton series, Picross and Tetris DS. Adventure? Hotel Dusk, the Broken Sword, and, if you get pass the anime-ish style, Phoenix Wright is a must. RPG? Final Fantasy series, Dragon Quest, and again, if you get past the anime thing, The World Ends With You. For SRPG, FFTA2.
There are just too many choices. Limit your preferences.
My thoughts exactly.[QUOTE="Rod90"][QUOTE="Icare0"]
Once again, I'll not be able to get a event pokemon because Nintendo forgot that the rest of the world exist.
I live in Canada too, and I was pretty mad when I found out that it's for the US only. But luckily my best friend lives in the US, she got me a Jirachi and just traded it to me, same with the Pikachu colored Pichu. It still says it's from Gamestop in their info too for the original trainer so they should still unlock the special features in Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
I'll admit it's stupid though, Canada is also part of North America so these Wifi events should be here too. And EB Games and Gamestop are the same company so it really doesn't make any sense. But if you can't download them yourself, try and find someone who can and hope they'll trade it to you.
Canada? At least you get some love.I live in Brazil. Nintendo never made an event here.
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