First of all, high five to you for using Pikachu. Even if you lose a fight, they still must respect you. Isredel
Your Mileage may Vary.
First of all, high five to you for using Pikachu. Even if you lose a fight, they still must respect you. Isredel
Your Mileage may Vary.
You don't need to get them to finish the game.
If you want to make alakazan your main sweeper, Magnezone is aways a good option, because it traps and kills scizor, who is the bane of all alakazan without substitute. Or you could use something that can se up in front of scizor, like a Dragon Dance Gyara or a Calm mind Suicune.
If you go with magnezone, blissey becomes a big problem, because it can wall your entire team once Tyranitar is dead, and the best you can do is an Explosion, in which case Scizor becomes a problem once again. A Roserade leader with toxic spikes can stop the pink blob.
Timid 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
@Focus Sash
Toxic Spikes
Sleep Powder
Leaf Storm
Hidden Power (Fire/Ice/Ground)
Sleep powder stops something, giving you a free layer of Toxic Spikes. Leaf storm stops tyranitar, swampert and some frail and faster leaders that taunt you. HP Fire Is the best option, as stop Scizor trying to 2HKO with focus punch and Forrestress trying to Rapid Spin your spikes. HP Ice helps against Salamence and HP Ground get heatran on the switch.
If you use a dragon dance gyara, an aerodactyl is the best leader as it Taunt slower leaders (namely: all not scarfed) and preventing they from using Stealth Rock, which Gyara doesn't like, and in most cases put your own stealth rocks up, which Gyara loves.
Jolly 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
@focus sash
Stealth Rock
Rock Slide
Until Nintendo makes a SSB game for the DS,is there a game out there that would be similar?I'm playing Marvel Super Hero Squad,and it's kinda like SSB but I'd like to know if there would be any other games like SSB
Jump ultimate Stars.
Just wondering if I could have help for my team for competitive battling, all advice is helpful and don't be afraid to hurt my feelings lol.
Alakazam 255 sp attack and 255 speed evs(too lazy to count them to get that 1 extra point in stat lol)
Focus Blast
Grass Knot
Shadow Ball
Grass Knot doesn't add coverage against anything THAT important not already covered by psychic/focus blast. Neither does shadow ball. Use Calm Mind/ Signal Beam instead. If possible, Hidden power(fire) over Signal Beam to deal with scizor, but i think that it's not an option. Give him a Life orb.
Tyranitar 255 att and 255 speed(just because couldn't think of anything besides speed lol)
Stone Edge
Okay set. If it's adamant/jolly that is. Give it a choice band and wreak havoc. But change the EVs. Put 252 HP / 252 Atk/ 4 Def. Your team is mainly special, so Skarm shouldn't be a problem.
Pikachu 255 sp att and 255 speed(with light ball I couldn't resist using pikachu :S)
Grass Knot
Hidden Power Ice
But you should resist. You alrealdy have a special sweeper in Alakazan, and a very frail one. Even counting resistances, a bullet punch from standard Choice Band Scizor does 92.9% - 109.5% damage, without counting Stealth Rock, or other hazards. And scizor is the most used pokemon, 30% of the teams use it. Blissy stops this cold. Mamoswine is immune to thunderbolt, and does 112.8% - 133.6% with Ice shard. I think that I dont need to run calculations for Extremespeed LO Lucario, need I? Actually, anything EVed to outspeed base 90 pokes can kill you quickly. And the Subs won't protect you because with 35/30/40 defences, anything can break it. Only 436 Spatk isn't worth all the problems.
Togekiss(255 hp and 255 sp def)
air slash
thunder wave
aura sphere
The classic parafinch set. nothing to add here.
Milotic(148 hp 252 def 108 sp att)
Light Screen
Ice Beam
With all the new threats out there, milotic NEED all the bulk it can have, so a 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpAtk is needed.
6th Pokemon: Undecided need help :(
It should be your leader.
1 - Think about what you want to use to sweep the enemie team.
2 - Think what are the sweeper weakness, and which poke can counter the ones that can stop your sweep.
3 - Think what can help your sweep.
4 - See the team as a whole and think what weakness it has. Too much fire weak, for example? Trow a heatran in.
5 - Then test. See what is killing you most of time. Research some way to stop it. Use that way.
6 - Repeat step 5
this is very good advice, but im pretty sure he's not going competitive atm.
He did say that he wanted to use it against some friends. Either way, it's just general, multi-purpose advice.Like, you could replace regigigas with anything, because your team doesn't have one tiny bit of synergy. But something that resist Ice would be good. A steel type one, if possible.
And, like i've said before, if it's an ingame team, anithing works. Even Sunkern, Magikarp and Regigiga.
[QUOTE="dragonfly110"][QUOTE="ohshtkyl"]Hey guys, been following this forum for quite some time now. Here's my first post. So I've played(or at least experimented with) most of the games mentioned here and I would like some advice on where to venture next. The games currently on my radar are: Valkyrie Profile : Covenant of the Plume Knights in the Nightmare Ace Attorney : Miles Edgeworth ( I haven't played any of the ace attorney games yet ). Which(if any) of these games is worth getting and why? I'm also open to new suggestions for games to get. Like I mentioned, I've played most of the staple games for the DS ( Pokemon, FF's, TWEWY, LoZ's, KH, Chrono Trigger, etc.). ohshtkyl
youll definetly get the most gameplay out of valkyria profile, however I have the most fun with the ace attorney games.
yea, that's what i was thinking. the ace attorney games look quite fun and inventive, but i hear the length of the games is sub-par and the replay factor is almost nonexistent. so one more question: Valkyrie Profile or FFTA2?FFTA2
Valkyrie Profile isn't as engaging, takes a lot of time only for you to figure out how things works, and the sin thing forces you to sacrifice an ally every single battle.
FFTA2 only downside is the law system, that give you item if you abide to certain laws. Thing is, some laws are completely out of your control, like "Don't miss" or something like that. But once you see that the item you receive for following the laws are crap, and don't help you that much, this problem is gone.
Anything works for in-game. For better battles (against other players), and if you really want to keep that kind of awkward team, go with Icare's stuff, since I'm really not going to weed through the team anymore when you don't even intend to play competitively with it.Hegna1
Wait, he wanted to play in-game? I would swear that he wanted help adapting his ingame team to wi-fi battles.
Okay, then skip everything i'v said since it's Competitive battling stuff. Actually, that kind of stuff is pretty much game breaking, since if you use one or two of the sets i suggested, nothing in the game will beat you. Specially the staraptor and the Chomp ones.
Like Hegna said, anything works in-game, really.
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