@wexorian: That isn't completely accurate as not everyone bought through Steam like myself. ESO was released later on Steam. No one knows the true numbers.
Also if you've ever played it recently, it's always packed.
@factory_666: Is there anything for my friend and I to do together? Are there dungeons that's just for 2 players? Public dungeons and delves are usually filled with people and mobs are either very sparse or completely wiped out from grinders. We tried Banished Cells (4 player group dungeon), we got past one boss but stuck on another boss. Is there something like that but a bit easier? Like our own dungeons?
What a difference a few years makes, it really has changed from launch. I stopped playing at launch but got back into it a month ago and I haven't been able to put it down. I thought i'd give it a shot after that One Tamriel update, glad I did. I honestly hope they continue these content updates. It has paid off for me in the end and I love it.
Though like other MMO's, their whole Crown system (in-game store with real money type thing) is TERRIBLE! One of the worst and biggest rip offs i've seen. Especially the new Gem system they introduced, highway robbery. It's not even worth trying, at least other MMO's make it worth it. I'm glad I never spent a dollar on that crap. It's more so the Gems that's the problem.
Yea that's about my biggest gripe of this game, don't invest into the Crowns/Gems thing. Sure other MMO's have it, but this is the worst of it's kind. Other than that, it's honestly the best MMO to play right now.
If I was rich, sure why not. If he's got the money, might as well. I despise the ones who'd rather choose spending money on shit like this rather than food on the table and bills that need to be paid. Though it seems he's well put off, he can have fun now.
@PCsama: There really wasn't any harm in them doing that either so long as the other dev team stays focused on the original. Another source of income for them. I personally would like to see a Co-op Elder Scrolls.
@legendaryh1tman: Kinda rare to see apologies on here haha, thanks. In regards to the game Identity, I was blown away. If they can nail this game, I would definitely be buying it. I am so glad you shared with me that game, as I probably would have never known. I myself have been hoping something on that scale was being created I really do hope both games live up to what they're trying to achieve.
As for NMS, they have tried to make some strides with their foundation update and they have a lot of work to do to repair their reputation.
@legendaryh1tman: I enjoyed No Mans Sky for what it was but when someone tries to say you can do anything and everything, I think of NMS. They were full of promise, yet failed to deliver on anything mentioned. Go look at sean murray interviews claiming you can do everything, when I hear that now, it's hard to believe anymore. Also this is just ONE guy, he didn't bring anyone with him from R*.
I wish this guy luck and I honestly do hope he makes a great game, Bur I become very skeptical now when I hear claims like this.
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