I'm still rather new to this forum and forums in general. I see it all the time, but I don't know what TC stands for. So for this thread, my fact is: I don't know what TC is.
The only calendar I have is my South Park calendar and that was from 2009. It's also on the other side of my room and I'm too lazy to check the August picture. I'm sure it's something funny, though...
Not really. Just because somebody finds patriotism inane and thinks there's propoganda in a holiday doesn't mean they think nobody is allowed to be prod of their country.
And you might want to cool off on the personal attacks. They really make it look you're just really hot and bothered by his opinion.
Again, that's clearly the attitude he's showing through his posts. Obviously I don't think he believes that 4th of July celebrations should be banned...
It was just a basic statement explaining his attitude in a very basic way. That. Is. It.
And to the bolded...isn't that a personal attack?:lol:
But he never expressed that attitude.
You keep saying that, yet plenty of people have disagreed.
So there is a television series based on the first novel of a series of books? Why not base it on the whole series of books instead? :shock:Hexagon_777
It most likely will. The second season, which will be based on the second book, is slated for next spring.
I think people need to stop getting so upset when a commedian makes fun of certain groups. What, are some groups fine to make fun of but others off-limits? I think people need to lighten up. Tracy Morgan shouldn't have to apologize for a damn thing.
While it did sound like bad comedy I do agree with this.
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