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In_Vino_Verita Blog


Its raining and there is nothing to do. my psp is charging. im so bored. welcome to my blog.

A Recent Purchase...

Vice City Stories

A few days ago i purchased Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories from BestBuy and i am definetely happy with my selection.With GTA: Vice City being my favorite GTA game to date, i was glad to finally be able to pick up the PSP spinoff of this great game. I just had to wait till it went on sale-and i got it for $19.99! Its a great game, and it has replaced GoW: Chains as the game I play most on my PSP:P

New Level

Today i reached level 18 Flicky. I dont know what this is but its a level up and one step closer for me. Im just dreading that long dark tunnel called level 20:P

My New Obsession

Reaper Guitar

A few months back I purchased Guitar Hero after i got tired of only being able to play it at my girlfriends house. Instantly i was hooked on the game, even though i wasnt very good at it. I purchased the above guitar, which is called the Reaper, at BestBuy for 50 bucks and purchased a Guitar Hero Double Pack with GH 1&2 included for 50 bucks also. And honestly, i dont think that theres been a day i havent played it. Ive got to where i can beat the game on hard, but i can only do a few songs on expert still. I consider my rock career a work in progress. Also, about a month back i purhcased GH3, but i have to say that GH2 is still my favorite. But anyway, i love to rock out and shred in front of my friends cuz none of them can even beat a song on medium. I rock:P

My 1K Post Party!!

I've finally reached a thousand posts. woohoooo! That probably doesnt seem like a lot to most people, but to me its a good many. So instead of posting this in OT and getting flamed for it, i decided that i put my party for this most meager milestone here, in my blog! I usually only do around 7-10 posts per day, thats why its takin me more than A YEAR to reach 1000. lol. But anyways, party it up people, cuz 1K only comes around once in a lifetime :P

Everybody's leaving?

Recently I've noticed as I've been looking through blogs that people are leaving GameSpot left and right, and my question is why? In my list of friends I saw quite a few who said they were tired of GameSpot and quitting the site for good. Now i have noticed a change, and i will say that today's GameSpot is not the same GameSpot when I joined up a little over a year ago. I just wanna know why everybody is packin' thier bags and hittin the road. Is GameSpot really that bad anymore? Is it the Mods? Is it the lack of quality in the forums? Or is it the HUGE problem with the Union system not getting fixed yet? I mean, I still have a good time on GameSpot and still enjoy coming to the site daily and posting and talking about games and havin' a good laugh in OT, but it seems to me that people are just getting bored with. I don't know thats just my opinion. I'm definetely not someone who is getting tired of GameSpot, I'm just a guy lookin' for some answers.

Happy Easter!!!

Easter egg for u

Since its easter and im about to sit down to dinner, i figured i would go ahead and give everybody this fabulous present, a vibrant hi-definition easter egg! I made it using Paint thats y it looks so good. well anyways happy easter everyone and enjoy your EGG!!!

Duke is Out....

....and im laughing. Mostly because all of my friends picked Duke in the final 4 and now all thier brackets are messed up. which makes me happy. The tournament has been pretty boring so far today, right now im in the middle of the Siena-Villanova game, where currently Villanova is ahead. its a total drag.