Well I don't think they will really create this game. I think they are working on something new. But if they did make this they have my money. Hell they can have my money ahead of time if they really needed it.
“It would be totally fine for us to make one version prettier without any political difficulties but it usually doesn't make financial sense,” said the developer, “unless it’s a very simple tweak.”
I personally think it's their duty as a games development company to optimize on the best system first then scale back for the least powerful system, to bring the best possible game to their consumers. Its not like they are working on totally different architecture here, similar to PS3 vs. 360. They can scale these back for the xbox one, and thus their responsibility should be to their fans and consumers.
@dpclark @megagood2345 All three of you make good points. As a minority I can tell you that the sheer fact that there are conversations alone is a good thing. Even if there's no real change as a result of these conversations, it's just good to know that there are still good people in this world that can be of the majority and still push for change.
First time watching the Gun show. Didn't know it provided good tips. Will have to watch more...Also, this game is the best. Seriously underrated multiplayer.
Dammit I have been trying to avoid buying one of these this year. Want to wait a while and I was going to use the mental excuse of not getting one as, "They are just sold out." But if it available how will I tell the gaming side of me that I should wait and save money for it first. First world problem I guess.
Just read the title and I laughed out loud. All I could get from the title was that Kojima wants money for his last 10 years of work. Think I was in school the last time I heard they were developing Fox Engine and that was 7 years ago.
Incubus420's comments