@joke_man Nope, just commented based on finally getting all of the information from MS about their latest system. Now that I have all the facts, Release date, I can make the conclusion that this system is not worth the cost at launch. You got angry that I made the statement without siteing my sources and attaching all of the previous articles and information supporting my claims as to the PS4 being more powerful and having better games on day 1. Sorry didn't know there was a grade for this sort of thing. If you're so unbiased, shouldn't you be leaving your comment to about other peoples comments to yourself? Wouldn't want to appear to favor anything one way or the other, would you? I guess I will just have to consider you a Troll, for not having an opinion either way and commenting to just cause a scene. Interesting, b/c you seem so intelligent, but instead you're just another internet troll.
@joke_man @Incubus420 @Arijan83 sure buddy. Whatever you get your kicks on.
The systems aren't released so I see your point in not commenting until they are released, however, it still stands that on paper the PS4 system specs are projected to out perform that of the X1. That is true right?
On paper the games that will be released for the PS4 on Day 1 will yield a better collective metacritic score than that of the X1. (This we can wait and see, but judging form the lack of first party games from MS This will be true.)
So I guess its all a waiting game, but I don't need to wait and see to know that getting an Xbox 1 on day one is a waste of money. So like I said, Microsoft will have to make up their lost ground by scoring strong exclusive 3rd party triple A titles as this generation of systems continues. So again my statement still holds true.
Oh well cry fanboy this and fanboy that all you want my statement still hold true. I guess I know what you will be doing come November. Jacking it to comments in the forums you frequent to make yourself feel better. Clear sign that you need some friends or a partner.
@Arijan83 @joke_man U can compare for yourself here: http://www.ign.com/wikis/xbox-one/PS4_vs._Xbox_One_vs._Wii_U_Comparison_Chart also for a list of all the game for both consoles there is a list below. This is what you both get for coming to a Microsoft friendly site and trying to cry wolf. PS4 is better on PAper and will have better games on Day 1.
@joke_man I have read a good amount of articles and seen all the specs. The PS4 was and still is a stronger system when it came to raw horse power.(Which is why MS is trying to boost it by 150MHZ) At Launch (Day 1) the X1 will not have a game on the caliber of Kill Zone Shadow Fall...Thus my statment about the better games.
Sorry if this is the first Next Generation article you have read. I think you should inform yourself before you come to the comments sections looking for facts.
So Sony system is cheaper, stronger and comes out before with better games. This is a done deal when it comes to launch. MS will just have to make it all back up during the later years of this generation similar to last generation.
I personally think they can do it based on the way they buy exclusive rights to Triple A 3rd party games.
@Hawkeye747 But why would you pay more for a system that just really isn't as good as the cheaper alternative?
I hear you when it comps for the ability to by both, but the ideals one company just simply tried to impose on the masses was pretty horrible and appalled me as a paying customer. I work just as many hours as you do and probably make more then you, but I don't want to support a company that would do that to their loyal as F fans.
Incubus420's comments