Sony and Microsoft should team up. Microsoft operating systems and software prowess is exactly what Sony is lacking. It wouldn't only affect the videogame side of things it would really allow Sony to help Microsoft build better products to compete with Apple and Google in the cellphone Marketspace. It would also allow Sony to have a leg up on Samsung in the television and home entertainment space. Something similar to this was going to happen a few months back when I heard Rumors that Apple was planning to buy Sony. I was jumping for joy at the possibilities...From a games standpoint it would be easy to create just one system and have the separate companies solely focus on Games and software and not worry about hardware marketing and what have you. The competitive edge would still be there with Sony games studios trying to create better games than Microsoft game studios ect. Also, would allow other developers to save cost by not having to create the same game on 3 different systems.
@freshprinceali What do you mean? Us includes me you a$$hole. I am black....Second I'm not being critical of blacks in my comment; I'm critical of the rest of the worlds overwhelming negative view of Blacks and how it would effect their sales. I am not saying never do a game like that, I'm more so saying that I am shocked they would use/attempt something like this. Just look at some of the comments on their Facebook post about this screen shot and you tell me I'm wrong...I guess for once they will atleast be featuring a black protagonist that isn't supposed to be a rapper, thug or an ex pro athlete. A prince is a pretty good step in the right direction. Also the only reason you prob don't see negative post on here is because these comments are filtered.
First off. The photo looks like they are at a slave buying area, and the Black guy (Presumed protagonist) is being auction off. Seems pretty interesting from the jump if you ask me.
Second: I would say this is a bad idea if this is supposed to be a POP. How many different Princes are we going to get with this series. They should stick to one character build and flush out a 3 game story trilogy that can really send off this generation of systems. One Character that we use for the three games, that complete a full story.
Just my two cents. Also, hard pressed to see a Black protagonist here, regardless of how historically accurate it may be. Don't they know that half the world is still secretly racist. Haven't they been playing any XBL, and heard all of these kids using the "N" work like its part of the game? Ubisoft...Just stick with watch dogs.
Incubus420's comments