@Stryder_18 This isn't true. Watch Dogs is on a PC set to MAx Max Max settings. Ubisoft confirmed it. So we don't know what system that game will be on. But i urge you to go back and watch the video again. Look at all of the details and tell me what current gen game can compare to those graphics? (Uncharted 3) Maybe. I do agree that we as consumers are in no way shape or form ready to shell out over $300 for a new system. Developers are taking a lot longer to produce games on these current gen systems and they do so because we demand so much from them. I believe the average or ideal cycle should be 1 year, however with original IPs your looking at 3 to 5 years including R&D, Concepting, and execution. So i agree give these systems at least another 3 years before we need something new.
@lordjustify Vita is a hard sell these days. It's too expensive and I am sure once Black Ops comes out on it people will start shelling out the money. But COD and AS on the Vita are pretty big wins. Especially if you think of how well received Uncharted was on the handheld.
@lordjustify Sorry wasn't saying that. more so pointing out the stark differences between the big 3. I should have said over 17 years old. (Obviously some of the games Sony showed are going to be rated Mature.)
Incubus420's comments