Also my girlfirend loves the wii but it collects dust in my house because the PS3 gets most of the attention. If there is a way I can get her to use the PS3 with me then I am all for it. I think I will be selling my wii in order to get myself a PS Move. Oh yeah a game like Demons souls using two PS move controllers would be sick. (one sword one sheild)
BigBangBear has it right. There is no reason to hate on this because In al honesty this looks alot better then the wii. 360 is going to come out with Natal and its going to be the same thing as this but without a controller. There is no way a camera can track our full motion and have on screen animations. (sorry but no) The move is going to allow anyone that didn't get a wii a chance to get a really great experience from a system that they may already have. Best thing about getting a PS3 now is that you can choose to get a motion controller, unlike the wii where you are stuck with it from the start.
@tripleseed...oh from what you recall. I am amazed you were alive in 650BC. Please tell us the rest of your story's as you seem so wise and intelligent.
Also they could do anything they want with Greek mythology first of all because its a myth to begin with. So any twist or turn here is totally fair game.
Kratos should be played by Vin Desiel no mater what. The dude is nasty as Riddick and is more deadly then any of these chumps. He also has the multi cultural thing going which is what Kratos is like. Kratos isn't white but he isn't black either he is a ghost and to be honest It won't matter because whoever plays as him will need their skin to be painted ashwhite/gray with a blood red tatoo over his body. Djimon Hounsou looks like him but he is way to dark of a brother to play him also his accent will annoy the hell out of me. Just my two cents and I am black before any of you goes crazy over this, even though half of you are racist anyway.
Really Proflleap I'm biased lol we all know that Cnet is owned by a company that works closely with Microsoft. So I'm sure they're not influenced by any of that. Merry Christmas!!
This site is so biased its not even funny. I wouldn't believe the hype about what retard third party companies produce. They clearly have more work exp on the xbox as it has been around a year longer then the PS3. If they really want to size up what these systems can do they should look at exclusive games and compare not only the graphics but other factors like gamplay sound etc. These little articles should be titled "Third party Developers progress on working with Ps3."
Diablo 3 Big time...So big that I'm getting the new Mac Book Pro just to play it on there. (I know I know..I'm not a big Computer game-ing guy as you can tell) SF4, Killzone, Final Fantasy 13 (VS. and normal), and lastly Uncharted 2. Check out for a sick interview about "Among Thieves. Over all im pretty sure that PS3 is going to kill it this year.
Incubus420's comments