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Infernoply Blog

Read. : )

just like to say that subsequent to jeff's firing i am not leaving gamespot. instead i am going to do the exact same as Warfust. Here is his blog and this is what i shall do:

Let me start off by saying that I really enjoy the Gamespot Community and the friends I have made here. I don't plan on fully disappearing from Gamespot, but I'm not going to be tossing my opinions, ad views, or other revenue sources at them anymore.

This means that I won't be posting reviews to the site anymore (though I stopped awhile back because I didn't have the time and I'm not that great) and I won't be rating games or running around tagging everything in sight.

I will drop by to read blogs, make comments, and enjoy some of the user created content that I have come to look forward to as much as some of my TV shows (looking at you here NeoJedi).

But the majority of my content time will be on Gametrailers now. I decided to join up there because of the GTD system, if I had started there I would have my 360 by now (not that I would trade my Gamespot time for anything). Getting a reward after (a ton of) time spent making them ad money is nice, and there seems to be a good community as well. Be sure to put me as a reference if you sign up, I'll cut you in on 25% of the GTD if you make level 5.

I have created a profile on 1up as well, and I'll drop in from time to time in case a friend has decided to take up residence there. I'd prefer not to lose track of folks if I can help it.

I'm sure that Cnets treatment of Jeff Gerstman being the reason for my change in content habits is no surprise to anyone that has been following the gaming news recently. As many of you know, I'm not a huge fan of Jeff's reviews. But like it or lump it, he was honest and you could trust him to be straight forward with his opinion.

What really bothers me is how he was let go, and the timing. It was done for minimum financial impact, and seemingly because of ad revenue concerns (specifically Eidos). From what we have heard they waited until all of the major reviews were done by Jeff and the other Gamespot folks and then simply locked his office door and told him to get lost. It is appalling, and the apparent influence of marketing on the entire process casts a bad light on the future of unbiased game reviews.

I am a very "moral" person, and this rubbed me the wrong way. I can't justify giving my ad buying power to Gamespot until this black mark is removed. So while I'll continue to visit Gamespot, I installed the Ad Blocker add-on for Firefox just for them. I know they can't track it so it doesn't help send a message, but it makes me feel better.

I'll be around, but be sure to look me up at Gametrailers also if you're in the area.

i didnt type that. warfust typed it, but i just qoted it as it would be stupid to type the same thing again. so im not leaving completly, ill be on forums, as its not the communitys fault that jeff left. anyway see you on 1up or gametrailers.

Jeff's Firing

I'd just like to say that once we know all the details about this i will be leaving gamespot in protest. gamespot's been going down ever since carrie and greg k left.


Assassins Creed - this years biggest dissapointment

Assassins creed reminds me of one other game: crackdown. This is not because you can climb buildings in both of them, or anything like that. Its because there both games that had so much potential but did nothing with it. Assassins creed has great visuals, fantastic anumations and a great setting, but is let down with its BORING missions. Each of the 9 assasinations comprises of 2-6 tasks (only 2 are needed but there are 6 available that you can do optionally), these tasks boil down to about 4 catergories: eavesdropping, pickpocketing, interrogation and informant. Eavesdropping comprises of pressing Y and listening to a conversation. In pickpocketing you hold B to pickpocket. Interrogation you follow a person and punch him 5-6 times. Informant you collect flags or assasinate a number of people in a time limit. These are ok the first 1 or 2 times, but by the 5th time when you realise there is noting elseto the game you begin to get bored.

I am so dissapointed with UBISOFT. A fantastic game ruined with poor missions, just like crackdown.

Anyone agree?

To get a PS3 or to not get a PS3, that is the question

well recently I've been getting very bored with my 360 and am beginning to wonder whether or not to get a ps3. there is a very attractive deal on amazon for a ps3, motor storm, resistance fall of man, and hdmi cable, and £10 off a spare controller, all for £350 (the ps3 alone with no games was £425 up till a week ago). the deal ends on November 30th so i have to raise the money quick. in order for me to get the ps3 £150-£200 of this money needs to be raised by trading in 26 of my 360 games (id be keeping 6), which includes many i haven't finished. i hate trading games in and so am not sure if its worth it. the rest of the money i can get fine, but its this 150 thats troubling me.

so for those that have a ps3 (and those that don't), is it worth me getting one?

many thanks guys

Halo 3 Impressions.

Well having played about 15 hours of halo 3, I'm ready to post some initial impressions.

single player: I'm only on mission 7 of the single player, but it is the best mission so far. the missions are far better than halo or halo 2 as there's so many more open areas and many more vehicle sections. one thing that did disappoint me is some of the new convenant vehicles. the prowler and the chopper are very similar and are basically ghosts or wraiths. anyway apart from that i love the campaign so far and will finish it off by next weekend (playing on heroic by the way)

multiplayer: i have to say this is the best part of the game and i see myself spending a lot of time on it. there are so many options and game modes. i love the match making system, as its very versatile and easy to use and get it to do what you want. the theatre is great as is forge.

overall very good. it has lived up to the hype and i look forward to many years playing it. :D

Finish The Fight!

well i got halo 3 and a memory stick (4gb) for psp, as well as daxter. anyway off to finish the fight now, will post impressions soon


well i came to a descision and am getting a psp on tuesday. a desicion i may live to regret, but never mind. there quite a large back catalogue for me to work through and i needed a new mp3 player so it doubles up as that.

anyway got two worlds for 360 today. havent played much yet but im going to after this blog. also i should be level 23 soon (congrats me!).

anyway thats all for today.

deciding whether to get a psp

well the title says it all, im currently debating whether or not to get a psp (slim and lite). id probably get it with exit, daxter and vice city stories. i know god of war is coming out for it, but i cant help feeling there arent that many great future releases. anyway let me know what you think, is it worth getting one?

Finished Bioshock!

Well i finished bioshock today with a total play time of 8 hours 40mins. This was surprisingly fast considering i explored all areas and didnt just follow the arrow, but i was playing on easy. Overall i must say that i am Little dissaspointed with the game. i was expecting a much wider array of objectives other than, go here, collect these, and 1 escort mission. overall at this point i would give the game a 7.5-8.0 which is surprisingly low compared to other reviews. anyway i must say that the game is really a rental unless you plan on playing through it 4 or 5 times. ill probably to 2-3 more play throughs but not for a while.

anyway thats it for now, but remember this is just my opinion on bioshock and not necessarily what everyone thinks or should think.

oh and i got space giraffe