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Infernoply Blog

Gamertag Change

Well today i changed my gamertag from Infernoply to Eoco. i dont know how i thought of Eoco but i did and i think it looks pretty cool. anyway i got flatout ultimate carnage for 360, which is ok but cant really be played for long periods of time. the game is average at best in my opinion and i should have a review up sometime soon. on friday im getting overlord and darkness which im really looking forward to. anyway thats pretty much it for now, so keep gaming

Has it really been that long???

well i doubt anyone cares now as i havent updated this blog or profile for about 2 1/2 months but im going to try and keep it up to date a bit more now. well so much has happened since last time that i wont bother trying to list all of it except that i got forza 2 last week and have been playing it every night since i got it. anyway i found this and thought it was pretty funny, so here it is:

Ranked Match Requirements:

So, Microsoft have said they're going to introduce requirements for ranked matches in all 360 games. Here's a breakdown of the article:

1: Labotomy.

The first requirement entails removing part of your brain. The procedure for this is quite painless, and afterwards, you may find you're more relaxed. Some side effects include: singing into your mic, using the word "n00b", team killing and becoming an anyoing 12 year old.

Don't worry, if you can't afford the operation, you can knock yourself over the head a few times, or if you have a low IQ (preferably below 50) that's fine too.

2: Lag / latency

The second requirement refers to the quality of the host's connection. You MUST be laggy to play ranked matchs, there's no way around this one. If you have a GOOD connection however, there are ways to make your game laggy, and therefore annoy other players: Turn on your PC and run Limewire, Morpheus, Bearshare etc. This ensures that your connection will be the worst possible. If for some reason you can't access these programs, downloading the entire internet while playing Xbox Live will do fine.

3: Be between the ages of 12-15 years old or 20-30 years old, and be as annoying as possible

That's right, if you're not 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 then you can't play ranked matches. However, there's more to it than that.

If you're 12, 13, 14 or 15 then you must have a squeaky voice, sing into your mic, think saying "I like pie!!!" is funny, use the word "n00b" and think Runescape is cool.

If you're between the ages of 20-30, then you must be patronising, sing into your mic (as you can see, singing into your mic is pretty much needed to play ranked matches), call everyone under 20 "Annoying 14 year olds" and, this is vital, you must have a conversation on the phone while your mic is turned on so everyone can hear it.

If you're not any of these ages, don't fret! All you have to do is breath in some helium every now and then, and throw the word "n00b" into every sentance or two.

4: Racism

Microsoft has taken a controversial move by making this a requirement. Let's delve deeper, shall we?

You MUST harass people who don't speak english. Xbox Live is ONLY for people who speak english, and you must make it your duty to rid XBL of those who don't.

If you're American, it's extremely important to throw an insult or two into every sentance directed towards the British. These include jokes about teeth, jokes about them talking funny, jokes about tea and crumpets etc.

If you're British, you MUST make fun of Americans. This can range from calling them obese Bible Bashing idiots to calling them stoned and spoiled.

If you find out that someone is not from either Britain or America, then both Americans and British must team up to frustrate and insult that person.

5: Reputation

If, for some reason, somebody has the nerve to kill you during a ranked match, then you are required to leave them bad rep. If they don't have a mic or haven't spoken for the whole match, then you should leave some bad rep to do with communications, such as trash talking.

6: Quitting

If you don't like losing, then Microsoft has a solution for you: quit! That's right, from now on, you must quit if you're losing. This is to make sure that your team will lose the match.

7: Headset issues

From now on you have to do one of the following into your mic: Breathe, moan, cough or sneeze. You must also make sure your mic echoes.

That about wraps it up. I'll try looking for a link to the article. Meanwhile, post your thoughts on what other requirements for ranked matches you think must be introduced.


Anyway until next time


my views on annex

well a new patch was released for gears of war yesterday and amongst numerous big fixes (unlimited smoke or grenade tags will not work anymore) was a new game mode called ' annex '. now for those of you who dont know what annex is here is a description:

In Annex, teams win by keeping control over key map locations, or objectives, long enough to collect a winning number of points. Every map has two to five identified objectives available for capture, with one objective active at a time. Objectives are based on map weapon-spawn locations and have a potential value of 60 points toward either team's score. Teams collect those points by maintaining ownership of an objective until all its 60 points have been distributed. Every second that a team controls an objective, the team gets one point. When an objective falls to zero points, the next objective is selected at random. players can respawn in 15 second bands.

overall i think annex is a good idea that is very fun but unfortunatly it looks very rushed. the rings around the objective look tacky and also the new bits of the hud are quite unpolished. luckiy no one complains that youve stolen someone elses kill as you can get ridiculous amounts of kills in this mode (in a 2 round match that was up to 240 points each match i got 83 kills) which is a good thing and a welcome break. the fact that you can respawn is also a welcome addidition and makes the whole exerience less frustrating. last night i managed to get to 840 on the annex work leaderboard out of 85,000 but overnight ive dropped to 2000.

 also earth defence force 2017 arrived today so that should be quite fun. anyway until next time

shiny new blog post

well this is my latest blog since march 12th so its been a while. everytime i post a new blog recently i get less comments :P but no matter. i completed gears of war as dom today for a 30 point achievement which brings my total in gears of war up to 840/1000. also ive been begining to work through my growing backlog of uncompleted games and so i completed perfect dark zero which was good. anyway im tired so ill post another blog soon. bye

my next set of purchases until april

well from now until april i am gonna get GRAW 2 (360), 2100 points (for shivering isles and an arcade game) and a final fantasy 12 strategy guide which could come in useful

anyway thats kind of it except a friend bought me a copy of viewtiful joe for the ps2 (it was £4 pre owned) and thats pretty good

unfinished games

i have so many unfinished games right now its ridiculos. i have only done the first 2 mission of lost planet, first 10 levels of prey, the tutorial only on GRAW and only played 2 hours of okami. i need to get round to all that stuff. anyway i sent back fuzion frenzy 2 as i got my 1000 achievemtns out of that game and it weasnt very good. my gamerscore is now 7190 which im pretty pleased with. with my fuzion frenzy refund im probbably going to buy dreamfall: the longest jurney collectors edition which contains the first game aswell but i might get final fantasy 12 instead. anyway i am going on a school trip tommorow which turns out is a long hike in the country side (it will prbbaby rain) so thats tommorow. anyway apologise for the tye errors but im trying fast so ill post another blog soon, have a great week

any opinions on crackdown?

i just pre ordered this game yesterday but after reading gamespots review im not so sure. are there any missions apart freom the leaders? anyway i got okami this morning, and prey on saturday. so far there both good but yet again gears of war has distracted me, i keep wantoing those achievements. at the moment i am trying to get 100 hammer of dawn kills and i have 70 roughly. i have got 100 crub stomps, executions, chansaw kills and grenade tags. i also only have one cog tag left which is annoying. anyway i have been using gamespot much less than i used to which has its ups and downs. anyway until next time

new 360 game

just got pgr 3 very cheap off a friend. it was £13.30 which is like $26. its only been played 3 times so i was really lucky. yay. anyway hope everyones having a good week. until next time cya

The Wii

well i went round a friends house at the weekend and he has had his wii since launch. he had 2 other friends over aswell so there were 4 of us (perfect for wii) and 4 controllers (only one nunchuck though). he had wii play,wii sports,monkey ball,rayman,zelda and red steel. i arrived early and i made my Mii and played some wii sports. we then played hours of monkey ball 4 player when the others arrived and a bit of zelda and redsteel. wii play was also played a bit. in total i played 9 hours solid wii and my friends played about 8.5 hours. i thought it was a good console but i hope it doesnt turn into a gimmick as i see not enough good games atm. also during monkey ball i had an issue with the golf game towards the end where i tried for about 5 minutes and the controller would not respond to the movement of the wii mote and it was impossible to play. also when loading up the Mii channel it froze once. i was not particularly impressed with the console and much prefered my 360. that said i will probably be getting a wii for my birthday (september, a long way away) and hopefully there will be some good games out by then