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Infernoply Blog

2nd blog of 20007

well its 2007 and i must say atm i cant be more thankful that i am a gamer. i am absolutly loving my 360 at the moment and just cant keep away from it. so far it is definitely the bets console i have ever owned. anyway im not sure what has hapened since the last blog post so ill try and remember. ive been playing all the games i own really and not one particular one which is a shame as i really want to get stuck into one game. i watched a few things and was thinking about getting a NES. what do you guys think. also a friend of mine said he would sell me his gamecube with no controller or game but with all the cables and a memeroy card for £10 ($19). what do you guys think about either of these things

The Infernoply Game of the year awards

i just thought id do my own game of the year awards. i got this idea from oblivionguy07 (think thats right).

5th place

Guild wars factions

i bought this game on launch and for the price it was a really good mmorpg that lasted me quite a while. of course nightfall is out now but this still remains a good game

4th place

tony hawks progect 8 (360)

i got this game about 3 days ago and it is truly a great game (you may disagree but this is only my awards, basically they dont count). anyway ive had a lot of fun with this game and i can see myself playing it a long time in the future

3rd place

New Super mario bros (DS)

although i dont have a ds anymore i still think was an amazing game. although it was not the longest it kept me busy for a solid 2 weeks and i enjoyed every minute of it. this game is definitely owrth a look at

2nd place

gears of war (360)

now although a lot of people say this should be the GOTY i dont think it should. maybe it was because of the massive hype but this game didnt live up to the expectations i had for it. the single player was too short and there wasnt enough variation in the action. this may all change when the downloadable content comes in the spring but until then this remain in second. dont get me wrong though this is a amazing game.

1st place (drumroll)

the elder scrolls 4: oblivion (360,pc)

this game truly deserves my GOTY award as it is just an incredible technical achievemt and and extremly fun game. with constant content coming out it just keeps me playing this truly fantastic game. just go and buy it


ok im back on gamespot but only in moderation. ill be on a lot less than i was but im back now anyway

Good Bye

just a final good bye to people who didnt know i was leaving. good luck in all you guys do and thanks for being an amazing community.

- Infernoply

sorry sorry sorry. the last blog didnt post. here is what it was meant to say

Ok guys. Hopefully but commenting on this you can set a record number of comments. The truth is that gamespot is and so far has ruined my life. I need to turn my life around and that means quitting gamespot. Im gonna suicide my account. I just wanted to say that you guys here at gamespot have been really good to me and I really appreciate you all. Thanks especially to people and my contacts and especially kingamez. Ive had a lot of fun during my time here and have really really enjoyed it. I have been a member since Mar 12, 2006 and have been a leader of one union, an officer in 4 and a co leader in one. I have reached level 19 and have posted over 2800 posts and have posted 50 blogs and reviewed 5 games. Anyway been a really really good time here and thanks to all of you. Bye.

games games and guess what? more games

well i got perfect dark zero and battlefield 2: modern combat (both for 360). i am getting call of duty 3 this coming saturday and also have pre ordered gears of war. i completed lego star wars about 3 minutes ago but still have tons to do on it. i got up 2 ranks in battlefiel last night so im at corpral the third rank you get. i also got marble blat and doom and smash tv on xbox live arcade. anyway enjoy your week


Well I decided to trade in my ds and all my ds games. This was mainly because I looked at all ds future releases and found none that I was interested in. I think Nintendo are focusing on the wii so much (not a bad thing). Anyway I got £133 for it and with it I bought: splinter cell: double agent, Lego star wars 2, a second controller (I got wired because it was so much cheaper, my other controller is wireless though) and 2100 M$ points for use on the market place. I bought some stuff so now have 1980 points left. Any suggestions on what to buy will be great.

Anyway that’s all for now cya

well dead rising has arrived

yep its arrived and so far ive only done the first couple of missions but the story is very complelling and makes you want to play on. anyway thats my initial impressions and im sure ill do a review sometime