Trying to make up for that crappy review are we. Don't try to justify it by knocking down wayward. YOU are the only reviewer that thinks its bad. Therefore its not an issue with the game just GS's hiring practices.
Where did they find this reviewer? All other game sources gave this at least an 80. I think he just thinks so highly of himself that he has to give crappy reviews.
I think the reviewer is off not the game. Its not supposed to be the same old game and the same old school platforming. Not a complete revisioning. Non of his complaints seem to make this game bad or any less of an old school platformer.
Who else is over Molyneux? I'm so sick of people hanging on this guys every word in interviews like its gospel. This guy is turning into a pile of crap...especially with this stuff and his great "social experiment" with the cube.
Infinity_Gauntl's comments