for $50 more you can get a true next gen system. The reason that the Wii U basic isn't selling is the memory is just insanley useless. There was never a reason to get a basic. If Nintendo lowered the price I would definitely get one and only if they lowered the price because I understand that this would basically be a Nintendo only console in witch I would never get 3rd party games on it.
I think Nintendo would be surprised at how much money they would make if they released their games on other systems. I bet a game like Zelda HD would garner COD numbers.
@kiramasaki I wouldn't say that. The GC was actually pretty awesome. It even had the right exclusives (RE4). If they had just stuck to that buisiness model rather then chasing the dragon that is the casual gamer then they wouldn't be in this mess.
Interesting. I never had a problem with the characters or portrayal of them in the Last of Us. I really can't see where any negativity would generate from.
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