If you don't like it you don't like it you wont like everything. I mean I hate Two and a half men but plenty of ppl watch that.
That being said, I find Big Bang Theory quite amusing... not sure specifically why, I just laugh when I watch it.
If you don't like it you don't like it you wont like everything. I mean I hate Two and a half men but plenty of ppl watch that.
That being said, I find Big Bang Theory quite amusing... not sure specifically why, I just laugh when I watch it.
It really depends on your program(in university). Some courses are straightforward and you can easily get by just paying attention in class. Others, not so much.
When I was in engineering, I studied my butt off and still did terrible, the material just wasn't for me. I switched to a business degree and now I rarely study and do much much much better.
I wish karma existed but I know from personal experience that it doesn't.
Its more likely I would just keep walking and not do either. If I had to choose one then I'd give it back.
Well thats better off than me then. I go to social events and everyone is already in groups chatting away I just can't go up and join in without feeling like I'm intruding. It would be different if I knew someone at the event already or was introduced by someone to the people at the event but these are open functions that have no one specific host.
I know exactly how you feel because I'm the exact same. I live at home, commute to school, finish class, go to work, go home rinse and repeat. On the other hand, I also have an incredibly crappy life at home as well with parents who live in the same house but don't talk to one another; their communication is yelling at me about how horrible the other one is but thats beside the point.
For some people it just seems so easy for them to make friends just by talking to strangers and it may be that easy for some people. FOr me tho, and I suspect alot of other people in this thread its tough to just walk up to a group of people at a social event and just "join in" on their conversation. I don't know how to strike up a convo without looking like an intruder or worse yet a creeper.
Sometimes the only people who end up being available for a conversation are also the other "loners" who in the end don't make any effort to maintain a conversation with me.
Overall really the only advice I can give is to just get through school as quick as possible and then hopefully create a social life at a new job with your new degree. Otherwise you can still always attempt to join some casual sporting groups, usually you'll have to pay some sort of fee for equipment or gym rentals but they're always open. My university has quite a few sporting clubs for things like tennis, badminton, fencing, volleyball, soccer, etc. where its just for people to find other players and come around to have a good time.
I doubt most stores check the manual on games that are traded in. I used to work at a Best Buy and all the instructional material for game trading focuses on checking the disc. They go through an entire checklist of things to search for on the disc, what to look at, how to examine it, etc, nothing about the manual. I'm sure most stores are like this in that they focus on the game itself, see its there and in decent condition and then just take it.
Assuming that the place has an HR department. Unfortunately if the job isn't part of a union its not difficult for an employer to find a "legit" reason to terminate someone. Theres plenty of reasons they could give that would seem plausible.
I've thankfully never ran into such a situation but if I did, I would definitely ask them what went wrong/why I was terminated. I probably wouldn't protest but I'd like to at least know a reason.
You're probably overanalyzing but theres nothing saying you can't still go and talk to her. Just keep things casual, don't try to ramp things up right away by asking her out immediately. Strike up a casual conversation, get to know her and see how things go from there.
I'm up to my eyeballs in debt from student loans so I'm still living at home. My family is incredibly messed up; my mom is borderline schizophrenic with paranoia that my dad is out to sabotage her so she spends every waking moment complaining about how "the door squeaks so your father did it to piss me off" or "the table has a scuff on it so its obvious your dad did this to make me mad".
My dad spends every waking moment hiding from her by living in the basement and locking the door. He only comes out in the middle of the night to do who knows what. I haven't seen or talked to my father in over a month now and he lives in the same house as me (not that I want to). My father also got fired from his job for looking at porno at work, it was a government job so no leeway on that crap.
I don't have any social life and I have crazy acne all over my face, chest and back.
My daily routine consists of waking up, going to work, and coming home to listen to my mom yell and scream about how theres some new thing my dad did... like today, there was a stain on the counter so its the end of the world.
I would have rated myself lower but I know there are people in the world worse off; doesn't make me feel better, but I know its true.
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