Inotian's forum posts
Did Mad Men win anything yet? Geez...
And I though Bryan or Jon was going to win.
I knew someone from Downtown Abbey would win Best Female.
I just found out that Grey's Anatomy is apparently still a thing. JML897I thought it was over... apparently not.
I can accept Dreyfus winning. She's pretty good in Veep.
But COME ON, give Amy a nod! Sheesh.
Modern Family again? I may need to watch this show when I have the time.
You would think that a show this hated would have some groans and moans included.
It's okay but when you watch it you'll probably think "why do the Emmys give this show so much love all the time?!". There are far better comedy shows out there. I stopped watching a season or so ago because it feels like the show is on autopilot all the time. I can't stand some of the characters in Modern Family either.
3 Emmy's already.... jeez.Alright, no high expectations , got it.
Modern Family again? I may need to watch this show when I have the time.
You would think that a show this hated would have some groans and moans included.
It makes sense when you get to the season finale. Leave before someone spoils it for you.Yeah, I'm late. But I've been thinking about something and trying to figure it out, maybe you peeps can help.
So, when Shane shoots Otis, those walkers just tear into the poor fella. We see him basically getting ate alive, and this is what we are lead to believe happens when walkers catch you. I think it was Darrel who said "They gotta eat, too."
Okay. Now, the only way to turn into a walker it to get bitten, right? I mean they get walker blood on them all the time when they put them down and they don't turn, so the only way to go is to get bitten (ignore that part about the well).
So, if they eat you when they catch you, and the only way to turn is to get bitten, how are there walkers at all? Shouldn't they have all been eaten by the walkers that bit them?
And then Sophia, when she comes out of the barn, I don't recall her being half-eaten either.Hmmm...
Edit: I'm ONLY as far as Sophia getting shot after coming out of the barn, so please be nice and not spoil anything past that point for me, kthnx.
As long as BL2 wins Best RPG this year, it's fine. Diablo 3 won't get much recognition due to it's... "reputation".
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