I thought the Walking Dead was pretty good....
Inotian's forum posts
Also, don't forget that she killed herself, Walt did not kill her. If she didn't want to die she shouldn't have been doing heroin.
But it was his fault. If he had never gone in Jesse's room that night, she wouldn't have choked on her vomit.
This is true.Plus ,all he had to do was turn her over again and she'd still be alive.[QUOTE="Inotian"]ME1 also had the most contrived plotline, the worst combat, the worst glitches, the worst character developmen (Drew Karpyshyn seems to really suck at character development), and the most stilted dialogue where Shepard has his or her moments of ignorance that step out of character as an alliance officer. The very notion that Saren is searching for the Conduit is illogical as well as he really doesn't need it with the allies he had. He could have just taken over, never losing his specter status, taken the council by suprise, and Shepard would have never faced him. The twist that the Conduit a back door is very silly, while it may work for the heroes and explain the Protheans resistance to give the next cycle a chance well, the villian never really needed it. Also a huge plot hole in the end where somehow Joker knows to go to the Citadel from Ilos, without any explanation whatsoever that he knew what the Conduit did and without orders from Shepard. A big example where a plot hole causes Deus Ex Machina. However, Vigil an dhis data file is also a clear Deus Ex Machina, but an example of a well executed one. It may be ME1's strongest moment. And while Kai Leng was a lacking villian in ME3, Benezia is downright the worst character in the series. And ME3 is the best, and will be especially after the Leviathan DLC and the Omega DLC are released. It is the only game in the series that has both strong plot progression and good character development.So instead of accepting my opinion as my own , you decide to attack it with a paragraph?That's one of my favorite things about ME1. How you can delve into the lore and experience of a galaxy filled with different planets and environments. Going from an ice cold terrain to an lava filled warzone was awesome. Pretty much why i rank the series ME1 > ME2 >>>>>>>>ME3. (Note , I'm not one who hated the ME3 ending, I just didn't like the game as much as I should've.)
Bro, ME1 was the best (For me, once again) because it was the only one that was an full blown RPG. Exploring the Universe with my character, getting new armor and weapons, (even if they did look disgusting) and customizing with my squad made ME1 a great time for me. ME2 went straight for the action route, which is fine, but some of the impact of the first was lost for me due to that. Not to say ME2 was a bad game, it was great. I did hate the squad however , other than Garrus, Tali , Kasumi, and Mordin.
ME3 was good, during my first playthrough. And I know that as a closer to the trilogy, it had to go off in a big bang. But for me, it didn't reach that level. Most of the game I felt like "If they did this, it could've been better." Or "That made no sense, couldn't she have blah blah." Mass Effect isn't known for a tight story, but there are down right idiotic moments in ME3. Also , being a Renegade sucks. REALLY sucks.
Look, I'm not discrediting anyone's opinion, IMO ME1 was the best , then 2, then 3.
... I await to hear from what game resmebles TLOU , from the demo we were presented. Out of all the games throughtout this gen, PLEASE tell me how this game is a generic TPS.[QUOTE="Inotian"]
I don't get it...It looks just like any other typical TPS.
What they're doing with The Last of Us isn't anything groundbreaking.
Making an enemy yell "please don't" when you point a gun at their face isn't groundbreaking.
Do I really need to be that explicit? it's just common sense.
Splinter Cell, Gears of War, Spec Ops the Line. All these games are practically clones of each other.
And what does that have to do with the Last of Us? Because it's in 3rd person? Seriously?
And I can't believe how uncreative Naughty Dog was with the main character of The Last of Us. Is this supposed to be Uncharted 4? The main character, Joel, is old Nathan Drake. He sounds and looks just like Nate if he were 20 or 30 years older.
Oh, you're trolling , Gotcha.
This made me laugh.
"Lengthy" to them is probably like 15 hours. XD
And this looks like another game project in which realistic graphics is number 1 on their list of priorities.
Have you seen the gameplay?
If anything the gameplay stands out way more than it's graphics eventhough those are amazing as well.
[Bunch a GIFs of the gameplay]
I don't get it...It looks just like any other typical TPS.
What they're doing with The Last of Us isn't anything groundbreaking.
Making an enemy yell "please don't" when you point a gun at their face isn't groundbreaking.
... I await to hear from what game resmebles TLOU , from the demo we were presented. Out of all the games throughtout this gen, PLEASE tell me how this game is a generic TPS.This games looks like it could be a lot of fun, and made by some elite devs, what exactly is the problem some people seem to have with this game?FIipMode
-PS3 Exclusive
-Made by Naughty Dog
-Just Because
Translation: "A Cow States That The Crap of Us Is The Game of The Century." ^^8th post from then on is hell.. Like i already told you stop single out sony fans dude be more fair.[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]Please, they're the ones doing more damage to the game than any other fan base. They praise it to high heavens and never see any flaws in it whatsoever. Even if you mention that it's a game with xombies in it they fly off the handle and attack saying they're not zombies even though they pretty much are and that's what they will be called, if any game has "infected" enemies in it they will be called zombies. But I digress.Sure lems play their part but they only do so because of the insane praise cows are giving it. Any game that is this hyped is gonna let people down in some wayseanmcloughlin
TC himself called himself an analyst for the game and gave endless praise, actually not even praise just mindless hyperbolic positive statements.
And if this was an ispeakfact thread about the game it wouldn't even be a discussion just jelly pics. Im not singling them out for no reason, im singling them out because they're the masters of taking praise for a game too far
ispeakfact is a great poster who shouldn't be taken seriously. That's his niche, making sure everyone is jelly of cows.And the TC is excited for a game, don't single him out like that.
Dude please at least look at lemming first before pinging it all on sony fans,some people jump on this thread on the very first page taking crap about the game,if anything a sony fan make a thread about a game from sony (shocker there) which he thinks would be the game of the century he (personal opinion) and several lemmings (the usual) started tagging the game as bad or scripted and crap like that. Stop single out sony fans dude.[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
The only thing that's ruining TLOU is the fvcking sony fanboys. And the fans of the game in general. Here is a game coming along that could be very unique and do very very well and be a benchmark in storytelling, AI and character interaction but instead of actually talking about this people resort to their regular BS of ownage and it's the best game ever made. Even without provocation SOny fans just go nuts talking crap anyway.
I know this is SW and bla bla bla but still I wish a day could come when people would actually talk about this games merits and it's flaws from what we've seen and heard so far objectively rather than just sucking at the teet of ND and saying it's ownage over anything they release about it. Yes the game will be good, it's not gonna be perfect but it will be an excellent test in story telling and pacing. And this is coming from a guy who doesn't even have a PS3 to play it.
Sony fans should be proud they get to play it but you guys only have yourselves to blame if it flops and you can blame yourselves for any negativity towards it ebcause you're the ones causing it. People hate sony fanboy cows and how they act towards this game, they don't hate the game itself
Please, they're the ones doing more damage to the game than any other fan base. They praise it to high heavens and never see any flaws in it whatsoever. Even if you mention that it's a game with xombies in it they fly off the handle and attack saying they're not zombies even though they pretty much are and that's what they will be called, if any game has "infected" enemies in it they will be called zombies. But I digress.
Sure lems play their part but they only do so because of the insane praise cows are giving it. Any game that is this hyped is gonna let people down in some way
Well to be fair, they are infected, which means they can be cured. A zombie is just the dead walking.This. Even though this is my most anticipated game next to BL2, this "analyst" could either be an IGN employee or a hobo.[QUOTE="Inotian"]
Who is the analyst who said that?
What's the difference? :P
One gets paid to voice their opinion , another gets shut out for it.But you can't hate the hobo for making a quick buck.
That's one of my favorite things about ME1. How you can delve into the lore and experience of a galaxy filled with different planets and environments. Going from an ice cold terrain to an lava filled warzone was awesome. Pretty much why i rank the series ME1 > ME2 >>>>>>>>ME3. (Note , I'm not one who hated the ME3 ending, I just didn't like the game as much as I should've.)
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