The first week of this game will be hell. Imagine everyone playing as Zero. Just like all the Mordecai's in BL1:|
Inotian's forum posts
Weird that I like this Dante and hate this Vergil.
In DMC3, it was the other way around. Anticipated for this game now.
[QUOTE="dreman999"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"]Says the MGS FAN... :D He's got a point, MGS fans have no right to talk about any other game's story. I always though MGS games had great endings.. except 2.It does indeed have a rich universe, shame they were all executed poorly and had mediocre endings.
But yeah, MGS fans shouldn't talk about other games having bad stories.
But Jesse recieves more emotional pain than physical pain throughout the show, and it seems this time won't be any different.
Jesse's gotten the sh*t beat out of him so many times throughout the course of the show
Oh, I know. But with :-Killing Gale
-Jane Dieing
-Getting TWO kids killed by accident
- Almost killing a kid
- Getting kicked out by his parents
-And feeling extreme guilt for almost killing his "Good" partner.
It's like what Jesse said in S4 "You get used to getting the **** kicked out of ya." But that mental state of his is his true enemy.
[QUOTE="Inotian"]It was guaranteed that Jesse was going to be safe. He's not dying anytime soon, or at all.Razor-LazorHe's certainly not going to die any time soon, but you never know about being injured. Look at Hank.Point taken. But Jesse recieves more emotional pain than physical pain throughout the show, and it seems this time won't be any different.
I was sure that something bad was gonna happen involving Jesse and/or Todd. My best guess was Todd being decapitated.Razor-LazorIt was guaranteed that Jesse was going to be safe. He's not dying anytime soon, or at all.
[spoiler] I figured Todd would be too late after jumping off train, and yes, get decapitated. Wish he would now. What kind of sick freak waves at a kid and then shoots them point blank? [/spoiler]
[spoiler] And I was so hoping that guy would survive and Walt wouldn't screw him over on top of that train.
What a change of events... [/spoiler]
They've created some illogical articles/reviews in the past = hence the IGN reputation.
[QUOTE="Inotian"]So instead of accepting my opinion as my own , you decide to attack it with a paragraph?[QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] ME1 also had the most contrived plotline, the worst combat, the worst glitches, the worst character developmen (Drew Karpyshyn seems to really suck at character development), and the most stilted dialogue where Shepard has his or her moments of ignorance that step out of character as an alliance officer. The very notion that Saren is searching for the Conduit is illogical as well as he really doesn't need it with the allies he had. He could have just taken over, never losing his specter status, taken the council by suprise, and Shepard would have never faced him. The twist that the Conduit a back door is very silly, while it may work for the heroes and explain the Protheans resistance to give the next cycle a chance well, the villian never really needed it. Also a huge plot hole in the end where somehow Joker knows to go to the Citadel from Ilos, without any explanation whatsoever that he knew what the Conduit did and without orders from Shepard. A big example where a plot hole causes Deus Ex Machina. However, Vigil an dhis data file is also a clear Deus Ex Machina, but an example of a well executed one. It may be ME1's strongest moment. And while Kai Leng was a lacking villian in ME3, Benezia is downright the worst character in the series. And ME3 is the best, and will be especially after the Leviathan DLC and the Omega DLC are released. It is the only game in the series that has both strong plot progression and good character development.texasgoldrush
Bro, ME1 was the best (For me, once again) because it was the only one that was an full blown RPG. Exploring the Universe with my character, getting new armor and weapons, (even if they did look disgusting) and customizing with my squad made ME1 a great time for me. ME2 went straight for the action route, which is fine, but some of the impact of the first was lost for me due to that. Not to say ME2 was a bad game, it was great. I did hate the squad however , other than Garrus, Tali , Kasumi, and Mordin.
ME3 was good, during my first playthrough. And I know that as a closer to the trilogy, it had to go off in a big bang. But for me, it didn't reach that level. Most of the game I felt like "If they did this, it could've been better." Or "That made no sense, couldn't she have blah blah." Mass Effect isn't known for a tight story, but there are down right idiotic moments in ME3. Also , being a Renegade sucks. REALLY sucks.
Look, I'm not discrediting anyone's opinion, IMO ME1 was the best , then 2, then 3.
The RPG side of ME1 sucked. It completely dragged the game down. Not only was it completely unbalanced, it was tedious and poorly put together. The inventory was atrocious (hell I haven't seen inventory that bad since Ultima VII and VIII), the combat was clunk fest, the AI was stupid. No, the Renegade is FAR better written in ME3....for once, its far less extreme and far more grounded. This means I can play a nuetral character that doesn't have bipolar tendecies where he is nice and than a jerk 2 seconds later. Also, its far less about the dark side than the first two games, and finally truely fits the definiton the series was trying to portray as....once who is willing to do whatever it takes. ME1 and ME2, it was all about being cruel at points. Oh, you're just trolling. My mistake.Best Ps3 Game - Uncharted 3 - 92
Best 360 Game - Gears of War 3 - 91
Best Wii Game - Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword - 93
Wait, what? I think you're wrong there.
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