Everyone's just surprised the demo lived up to expectations. The hype will die down in 2 weeks.This game won't be out for at least another year and I'm already tired of hearing about it.
Inotian's forum posts
A new gen console has , for old games ,"slightly" better visuals than the current ones? How is that a win for anyone?
3 Years ago, I would've disgareed with him in a heartbeat . Now, he pretty much has it spot on.
So the basic gist of this thread is that a gameplay does not equal the same graphical quality of a cutscene?
Is that all? Because I can provide MANY instances where this happens.
I thought this was a Jak leak:(.
Still, looks fake.
And that video shows otherwise. Try again.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="EspiNY"]
Yet it's been confirmed that it's not.
DMR > BR in long range and AR is also said to win battles in close range vs BR.
Try again please.
because beta Halo 4 footage that takes place at E3 which is being played by Halo fans who clamored for the BR when Bungie removed it is so much proof
They clearly weren't just using it out of nostalgia or anything..
But hey, go ahead and hate on Halo out of ignorance.
I'm sorry, can you clarify, just a bit ?[QUOTE="ionusX"]
lol those gameplay shots look like someone is playing splinter cell: conviction if it was daylight out more often in that lousy game..
oh and if sam was being followed aorund by a less than useful little girl.
in that regard it mroe closely resembles resident evil 4 ft. chest high walls
TCHBO so badly in this thread their arguements have basically been name calling and baseless assumptions. you should all go and stop palying rage.. you got too much rage in your life. why so mad?? i miss your smile cows..
yu want to see my disneyland sldie show?? cmon its the happiest place on the earth!!!
what the hell are you talking about?
I'm trying my best to decipher it, but it's too damn complicated . It must take a true genius to figure it out.I'd much rather have that "NintendoLand" than the one announced at E3.
I found Uncharted 2, SMG2, and Portal 2 to be much more flawless than Batman:AC.
[QUOTE="Miketheman83"] No jelly. I just find it ridiculous that Im the only one that sees that Naughty Dog is all about presentation and cinematics while gameplay takes the back seat.tormentosDude this game is no Uncharted,go read the impressions the game is impressive,non scripted,with great gameplay,no just shooting shooting shooting.You should know that he won't even bother . This debate is pointless and I suggest you stop before you suffer from a stroke.
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