[QUOTE="lx_theo"][QUOTE="Miketheman83"] Then why would you say the game has objectives? There arent any objectives except getting every character to survive.Miketheman83And? Well if you played the game why would you say it has objectives? It doesnt. Its about survival nothing more nothing less. It does have some objectives (getting gas cans , pushing buttons, etc.), but the main goal is to survive throughout the game.
Inotian's forum posts
Alot of hype, fanboyism, and envy.What is happening to this thread...
Also, perfect gif.
[QUOTE="lx_theo"]Yes, because solid game mechanics with a dynamic and very good AI that forces you to strategize and use your resources effectively = Bad Gameplay to Lems like you...[QUOTE="Miketheman83"] No jelly. I just find it ridiculous that Im the only one that sees that Naughty Dog is all about presentation and cinematics while gameplay takes the back seat.ohgeez
Let me guess... EXPLOSION! = Good gameplay to you?
Nahh he likes skyrim, where story and gameplay take a backseat to content and glitches. I got to give you credit , that line perfectly describes Skyrim.Can you use magic in this game? I know you can when you take over people's body in the other Ellen Page game.gago-gagoClever guy is SO clever.
It's not Ellen Page .
[QUOTE="Jankarcop"]Uhm there's not much QTE in Uncharted at all.Uncharted 1/2 had like, 0 QTE moments. Uncharted 3 was chock full of them.The problem isn't that its scripted.
The problem that its extremely button prompt and QTE ridden, which is why people call it a movie-game. Just like the UC series.
Knew about this in another thread.
Still awesome , though.
You're first point implies that a linear game is bad.
Big mistake.
I can't play with Usher, his appearence at the conference was just a tease. So no.
I have to agree, but people have been waiting for this demo presentation since December , so the hype makes sense.[QUOTE="Inotian"]
Some of the posts here are absolutely ridiculous, and make me ashamed to own a PS3. :(
I'm sure when Half Life 3 finally gets announced there won't be such a reaction from Hermits (Well, not to this extreme, anyway) and we've been waiting for it for years.
Well to be fair, some people think the game is vaporware now. But I do see your point .[QUOTE="Kandlegoat"][QUOTE="shadiezz2012"] dude read IGN/Gamespot etc previews to see why people are that happy it seems that it's so wrong for ppl to love how the gameplay and the AI plays smh hardmicro
There's a huge world of difference between looking foward to a game and being an annoying obnoxious fanboy douche that accuses anyone that's even slightly critical of -- "being a jealous lem that wishes he owned a Ps3". :roll:
Yet its ok for lems to obnoxiously come barging into this thread to troll an amazing looking game? Just to troll with off the wall sh!t that doesn't make sense, and is not even true. And genuine fans, giddy with excitement for the game, cant say anything back? Dude, get off your high horse, and STFU you nerdy ass hypocrite. While you are at it GTFO GTGIThe basic rule to deal with trolls is to, of course, ignore them. Spouting nonsense and typing like a rabid fanboy is not the way to go.You can be excited for the game . Hell, I am too. But you need to tone it down , just a smidge.
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