LOL lems are so cute when they pretend they have games.kuraimenI think if we count Kinect, the 360 has equal to , if not more than, PS3 games in general.
Inotian's forum posts
[QUOTE="djshowstopper87"]That's because ps3 has already released exclusive games this year like Twisted Metal and Star Hawk and a few others. MS only has Halo 4 and Forza at the end of the year...... its sad really that muliplats have to save the 360 from being a complete and utter fail.
Pretty sure the 360 retail exclusive "Akai Katana" scored an 8.0
And those other PS3 exclusives you "forgot" to mention don't exist. It's just been Star(floplol) and Twisted Metal. Nothing else is releasing that's an exclusive. While the 360 has Halo 4 and Forza Horizons.
Call me a Lem, all I gave you were facts. ;)
Though honestly I don't care.... my hyped games for 2012 is still bat 1 (Halo 4)
Wait... do PokemonB&W 2 and Lego city Stories release this year? Cause I want those.
I'm beginning to think Halo 4 won't come this year either . No beta in sight either means a further release date , or lazy patching of multiplayer at release.The PS3 has no games.And so it begins.....[QUOTE="Slashless"]
So how many exclusives does that leave the PS3 for the rest of the year? Oh yeah none lol.
You pretty much have it spot on , though your Nintendo one is arguable.For Sony, it's:
They make nothing but linear experiences.
This is not only idiotic, but it's not even true. The Infamous series is the obvious example destroying that argument, but what really needs to be said is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with linear experiences. Linear experiences benefit from momentum and focus (tho there is a such thing as too linear). The people that think open world=good and linear=bad are stoopid.
For Microsoft, it's:
Microsoft is evil because they charge for online.
Xbox Live is a service. Microsoft has a right to charge for a service they provide. Deal with it.
For Nintendo, it's:
Nintendo makes games for kids. This is stupid because Mario and Zelda have plenty of adult fans and their core gameplay is no more kiddy than anything else. Then you have games like Metroid, which is obviously not kiddy; Sin and Punishment, Fire Emblem, etc. Even games that look kind of kind friendly are not neccesarily kid friendly, i.e. Pikmin. Anybody who actually uses this criticism has a total of two functioning braincells.
What are the stupidest criticism IYO?
What's with all the hate comments? The game looks good. Nice artistic design and a buffed up engine ? I see no problem here/\
The game will still be boring as hell , but you can't deny that's it looks nice.
*Sigh* I see where this conversation is headed. Thanks for your input.the whole player movement is a uncharted feel the way he thows grenades is a direct rip of uncharted
the movie cinamatic feel is uncharted
it feels like its drakes brother and ellen (i think that was the blonde girl's name in uncharted) kid sister
[QUOTE="ebrezzy1"]Ignorance at its finest. Please do tell us how it is JUST that lol. Anyway, The game will absolutely get tons of perfect reviews, and win a metric ton of GOTY awards. That is simply being rational based on what we saw yesterday + Naughty Dog's stellar PROVEN track record of excellencey. Hell....that 7 minute gameplay demo alone was better then most full retail games have been this year haha. No but seriously, I will bet you real life money that Last of Us wins a ton of E3 game awards as well? Let's do it!Dude, love the enthusiam, but can you tone it down a bit ? :P8.5 - 9.0
being its really just Uncharted in a new skin
Anyway, the TLOU will definately win some E3 awards, but with WatchDogs and AC3 here, it's not gonna win most of them, I'm afraid.
Yay if you like Heavy rain which i liked but nay if you like replay-ability i mean not that much is going to change! Unless you can alter story it wont be a purchase from me :( It looked so good :( HoznaryI do hope that some alternate paths take place in this game. But paths that actually make sense. Heavy Rain's, while great, main story did not reflect what you did differently throughout the game . Hard to explain, but I just hope Beyond has a tight, reasonable story.
Explain this line , just for me. I want a clear reason on how this 7 minute demo is just a reskin of Uncharted.8.5 - 9.0
it shouldn't get anymore then that
being its really just Uncharted in a new skin
which ain't bad to me at all since i love uncharted
but as for reviews go it should get points off for that
I am happy for Microsoft. They deserve it, kinda.
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