Throughout the course of video game history sequels have been the norm. If one game comes about, there is bound to be a second one that tries to be better. But as of late I have been seeing fans of the original games bashing their sequels, and why? Mainly because of change. But I fear, my friends, that a sequel must come with change. You cannot expect "Action-Game 2" to be the same as "Action Game," can you? But this is not the only thing I have noticed about sequels; I have also noticed that they are released way too fast and not given enough attention.
Possibly the most famous of these quick sequels would be, of course, the Call of Duty franchise, but I'm not here to bash on CoD right now. My main concern has been over Bioware's release of Mass Effect and the Dragon Age sequels. I am a proud fan of these sequels and I stand by them with the utmost dignity. Sure, they didn't retain that hardcore RPG feel of their predecessors, but if you look at them as their own game they are very good. And this leads me to my problem with what sequels have become:
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