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IntegraBella Blog

So many reviews, so little time

Well, this will be a new project to go for, sort of. At the moment, I'm getting caught up in a muse telling me to write reviews for the games I've rated thusfar. The only problem is this will be time consuming as hell. Due to recent events going on in real life, I'm not sure if there will be that much time to just write the review and have it be that. Plus, with how many games I want to get ahold of just to play for hours and hours on end, it'll be a wonder if I'll ever get the chance to write even one review. The only reason for the downtime right now, well actually 2 reasons, is this: I'm sick, and the husband has taken over the PS3 for the time being lol. When I get ahold of it again, then I'll be in Heaven and just continue playing until my fingers don't want to cooperate with me.... or until our console dies, which will depress me to no end. 

I already have one review written so far, if you want to check it out. In the meantime, I hope you all are having a great time, and let me know what other games to check out for both PS3 and 360. Co-op is the main component we're looking for, sooooooooooo have a good one!


New Year 2012


this has been an interesting couple of years.

been that long since I've posted anything at all.

where to begin?

well, I guess the first thing to talk about is non gaming specifics.

the most unlikely thing happened to me: I got married!

a little hard to believe for some, but I have been happily married for the past couple of years now.

he's a gamer like me, and also down to earth.

very down to earth, and very loving. :)

thats been the biggest part of my two years thusfar.

only other thing is the transition I made living wise.

I'm nowhere near a warm place, but the frozen bits of hell.

literally the frozen parts of the states is where I now reside alongside my husband.

its been a bit much adjusting to it, but so far I haven't gotten frostbite or had anything severely go wrong with me,thank the gods lol.

now the gaming part.

I did mention that my husband is a gamer like me (was what drew the attraction xD).

he's a bit more hardcore than I am, so much so its impressive.

he's also a sony fan, like me :) so that made things even more interesting when talking about games for the PS3 (which we own).

playing co-op on something is awesome for him and me, but finding the good games for that is a bit of a problem.

so far he's beaten most of my collection of games that I have.

he also has a 360 (one I gave him for Christmas), and a lot of games for it, but the PS3 has been occupying our time.

last game we've been looking into was the new resident evil: Operation Raccoon City, but so far we're seeing its only co-op when its online.

if anyone can clarify if thats true or not, please let me know.

other than that, we're looking into getting our gaming library bigger than either of us have before.

now everyone has been caught up on what's been going on and why such a long absence.

I've just now literally had the time and opportunity to put in a blog entry, since I've been so busy with a lot of things.

anyway, time for me to update my gaming list.

wait, correction: mine and my husband's gaming list lol.

also time to see what games I can tackle on PSP while he works on the PS3!

have a good one everyone! -bows-


Integra Eriya

New Year 2010

new year...
new beginning for me...
I just hope its a bright future this time.
I've just had to deal with a lot of crap lately that I wish would just leave me alone and not bother with me anymore.
perhaps it may be my time to disappear.
I've had to cancel a lot of things online because of this and I hate it when it has to come to that.
I really do.
no place it seems I can be on and just relax, since thats what I tend to think of online as most of the time.
what can you do though right?

when I get a chance to, I will be telling more of this little adventure.
until then, my time runs short.
hope to talk with you all soon.


Update regarding my condition

well, it seems as though things are healing up a little nicely. I say little because there's still an area on one of my incisions that is bothering the hell out of me. like the feeling of having a severe papercut on your stomach. isn't pleasing to feel. *shrugs* oh well. as is with life. lol.

other than that, doing excellent. been somewhat gaming although most of my time has been relaxing on the computer, catching up on what I had missed due to over 2 months of hardly any computer contact. some sites I could go to, but most of my favorites were blocked at work. so... yeah. -_-

gaming wise, getting back into my PS3 (360 is being occupied by another devilish force xD) and played around with Arkham Asylum. *grins* omfg!!! I love that game!!! *giggles insanely* should have seen the look on my face when I got to GameStop and picked up my pre-order of the collector's edition for Arkham. I had a grin bigger than that of The Joker and the Grinch combined. anticipation on overload was what that was. almost picked up Dissidia for my PSP, but decided against it until I messed around with the demo more. so far, a definite buy due to the history, but we shall see.

well then, I think thats all I can really say for the time being. mind is drawing a blank on other things. until then, you'll be seeing the porcelain angel around a bit more. I just need to get my gaming back on track, or move one of the consoles to another TV.

*bows* happy gaming to you all!


My most deepest apologies for my absence...

...but I was detained by life, you could say. apart from not having access to the internet for very long, the most recent event to have happened to me was a hospital visit. I was in the hospital for a while due to past stomach pains that had caught up with me. it turned out I had what they called Gall Bladder's Disease, which I was told that my gall bladder was producing too many gall stones and were not able to be controlled. it means I had to get it removed due to it being in bad shape. sad thing is, I found out from my surgeon that this can affect anyone at anytime, no matter if you're healthy/health nut or in the worst shape of your life, you can get it. largest hit by it are Native American and Hispanic women, which I fall under that category (Hispanic). this was information I had been given by my surgeon. all during my time in the hospital, I was experiencing on and off pain, and itching for a console to play to pass the time and not have me nervous about the surgery. to no avail I couldn't. technically I could have had my PSP there to play Tactics on there, but I didn't trust leaving that in the hospital with me overnight or anything. the paranoia set in for that. *shrugs* eh, oh well.

had the surgery last Monday, got out a couple of days later and omg I hate the stitches they left on me. had to change them... *shudders* painful. xD I guess thats to be expected. during this time though, I had arranged 1 month leave from my job so I can recover fully. even though my job doesn't require much physical activity, the mentality aspect of it is what I need to relax since I have noticed that stress can trigger pains in my body pretty quick. *sighs* I'm normally able to handle it, but I need to prep it nonetheless. the time off means that I'll be able to catch up on long awaited gaming. ^.^ as well as catch up with things I have missed for so long.

for those in the RP Temple, my deepest apologies for my absence regarding my posting. this blog does provide the explanation as to why I have been gone. in the meantime, I plan to be on as much as I can, but I will need to rest from time to time. good news is I haven't had to use the painkillers they gave me yet (Hydrocodone). then again, the pain I'm able to get by with uneasily.

anyway, I must be going now. until next time everyone.... *gives a simple nod*



this is song lyrics from one of my favorite bands of all time: Crematory. why post it up, oh because I feel like it. I guess bearing my soul by showing a song that is very dear to me. especially the chorus. shows my heart.... *sighs, looks down for a moment, and listens to the song*

by Crematory

The wind whispers my name
Rain drenches my skin
The chill suffocates my gasp
Darkness conceals my scars

Endless Love - Endless Fall - Endless Hate

Endless Call
Endless Love - Endless Fall - Endless Hate

Endless Call

Fear prevents lowly acts
Worriment diminishes secrets problems
In danger of falling into a trap
The game to slake yourself

Endless Love - Endless Fall - Endless Hate

Endless Call
Let me be your everything - when I'm looking to you
Let me see you when I'm king - when you are my something

Thoughts circle and fade away
The heavens soaked in bloodred
The stars so far and distant
The power to relinquish

Endless Love - Endless Fall - Endless Hate

Endless Call
Let me be your everything - when I'm looking to you
Let me see you when I'm king- when you are my something

Endless Love - Endless Fall - Endless Hate

Endless Call
Endless Love - Endless Fall - Endless Hate

Endless Call

Skin ripened by many days
Lies give away hidden feats
The torso abused by many melees
The birth of a new game

Let me be your everything - when I'm looking to you
Let me see you when I'm king - when you are my something
Endless Love - Endless Fall - Endless Hate

Endless Call

this is a fan video someone made on youtube for this song. they mixed in StarCraft and Warcraft together for the images. its awesome looking. enjoy

Doing alright, I guess

been hanging in there.

I just looked at my blog scared that I blacked out like that. I seriously for the life of me wouldn't be able to tell you what happened to me or what was going through my head. I ended up scaring some people that didn't know what was going on.

for the most part, I'm trying my hardest to hang in there. stress is killer on me and I'm fearing a heart attack may follow me pretty soon. not much I can do to lessen it. there are those that aren't willing to attempt to help in that regard, but I don't hold blame on them.

well, time for me to go for now. I'll have to update everyone more later on. have a good night and you see any blood around...bring it my way. *grins*




so much little time....

I may scare people with this

I know I will not remember it

but this is sadly enough not poetry

red is the color I see right now for the one that does not understand the torment they cause me did not listen

but rather would not leave me alone when I wanted my own peace as much as I could

chest hurts

eyes water out of anger

head spinning of unknown proportions

oh what is one to do for someone like me, when anger should not be stirred

no one around to help me

but what could one do upon seeing the porcelain angel with eyes black and red

hoping to kill what came across its path

and yet hold the appearance similar to a child frightened upon the secret power they hold

seeing it cause harm to those around them

I am in a daze right now

I know not what I type

I have lost my mind right now

I have truly lost my mind

into the abyss I go with my tears as evidence of what has become of me

does any of this make sense


it never will

when my sense gather and see this

I fear my reaction for this is what I avoid becoming

Delayed post about my near electric shock

yes, I say near electric shock. lol. this happened a couple of weeks ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting about it. :P work has been a serious pain.

I had just gotten out of work and catching a ride home. my ride's car wouldn't start up and was determined they needed a jump start. a coworker was just leaving but we caught them and asked for some help. first set of jumper cables my ride had for their car had torn apart real quickly to where it wasn't helping their car. after getting some jumper cables from the security office at the building, we hooked up the cars, and jump started it rather nicely. I had unhooked one of the cars, while the other ones were still attached to my ride's car. yes, I know, dumb act on my part. the two ends from the one I had dismantled had touched each other and huge sparks flew from them, almost catching me in the process. I thought it was funny as hell while everyone else was scared to death. the only reason why I found humor in it was due to a morbid thought I have in my mind for many years. not something I'd rather get into since it could cause a whole lot of mess and explaining that I really don't want to get into. nonetheless, I was alive, and we got the cables back to security and headed home.

that was my adventure for the evening. when I got home, I told some people about it and they all had the same reaction: fear and baffled by the fact that I would find amusement in it. like I said, my own disturbed mind found it amusing. other than that, no real big event. I didn't die, so there.

as far as my life goes, I've been okay. just dealing with the stresses of life and having to plan more things to make sure things are stable. however, there are always things that will try to make it unpleasant for you or don't grasp the concept that things will pervail in the end, no matter the outcome. I have to keep that mindset going otherwise I lose my mind. almost have during the past 2 weeks, but you know what? its just how it is. its the most I can do but stay alive in my dead world.

*sits back, relaxing* finished playing WoW not too long ago. night elf is at level 14 now. took me a while since with the stress and all I hadn't really had too much time to play WoW or any of my other games for that matter. eh, I'll have a vacation to make that up for. *grins*

until next time... *bows*


Lets talk movies for a minute

apart from being the goth gamer as my second profession, my hobby also lies in with movies. avid movie watcher when I see something good. this day and age, the movie selection has ran pretty weak. here is what I mean.

I'm only a quarter century old in this mortal body, but yet I have deep admiration and respect for the older films such as the original War of the Worlds (I was pissed off as all hell with the remake), Clash of the Titans, Nosferatu (although some of the remakes were done fairly decent), House of Wax (original and Vincent Price remake), etc. this is due to my family and their taste for films. these were films they grew up with and thought were a whole lot better than the stuff out now. quite frankly, I agree. the films out now lack a good plot; a decent storyline that keeps you entertained. it doesn't tell a story or get you hooked to it out of curiosity. it instead just makes you wonder why this wasted crap on something that doesn't even amuse you. granted, there are some films made that are not meant to be understood or meant to have a point and work rather well if you're not looking for that. however, there is a difference between humor and stupidity. there have been a couple of exceptions to this rule that pointless movies have worked harmoniously together. which ones those were, I'd have to get back to you on.

well, for now, I shall leave it at this. I'm having an annoyance in the form of time reminding me to get back to work. yes, I write this from my mini break. I shall be back in here another time to write more of my theory with movies and my taste. I may add this to the list of things to add here other than gaming and my second profession. :)

*bows* until then....


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