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IntegraBella Blog

Update with World of Warcraft

for any and all that are is an update with WoW.

my account has been upgraded. yes, they have added a tally amongst their millions of players to their roster. that is me. not only this, but my amusement over how entertaining it can be. I guess you can say, in other words, I now understand why so many are addicted to this. it can get dangerously addicting. especially to those that do no understand it. unless you know self restraint and have something you value more than the game you will be able to fight it. we shall see how this goes for me after a couple of months. I'll post some pics up here sometime of my game so you can see my character. my night elf. :)

as for the adventure, I am now a level 10 rogue. and was invited to join a guild. the Lich Knights. caught me a little offguard because I wasn't sure if they were Horde or not, but I guess they aren't for other Alliance members are part of it. it was rather interesting, especially since I didn't plan on joining a guild that soon. but, I guess there is a first for everything. made a couple other characters, but I won't work on it just yet. they are a Blood Elf and a Dranai (sp?) although I might delete the Dranai and make an adjustment to it. haven't decided. the Blood Elf is on another server although I have a feeling I'll have my @$$ handed to me in that server. eh, we'll see....

anyway, I must leave for now. my first job calls to me. my second job (gamer) doesn't start until I leave for the day from this job I am in. :P go figure. I will post more another time. until then... *bows*


The WoW bug bit me...

*shakes her head and chuckles*
you know...I never thought I would see this day coming....I really didn't think I would see this day coming.
but, nonetheless, it is here.
the WoW bug kept biting me so much to where I had to stop it and cave in.
yes, I'm playing WoW.
I'm still on my trial period and already receiving so much help from people.
coworkers, friends, and others... all giving me so much advice on it.

anyone curious, I am a night elf rogue.
yes, that means alliance.
before anyone goes on about alliance or horde, all I can say is....
seriously. :-P
I'm just on to have a good time.
anyone wanna get in a war with me on it, then bring it.
*crazy look in her eyes*
ahem, anyway....

anyone curious about my character, message me and we'll chat. :)

anyway, I gotta get going.
time for me to think of food for today and what else to do with WoW. *giggles*



The games for the new baby (360)

and yes, I just called the 360 the new baby. the PS3 isn't being neglected in any way. so don't worry. xD

achievements are always somethng to get caught up on. *smirks* ones I've been curious of are the games I have: Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Lego Indiana Jones (yes, I admit I like this game xD), and Fable 2. I had a funny ass experience with Fable 2 last night. I had earned the achievement of taking a spouse, but thats not the gist of it. I took a woman for a spouse. xD yep. I'm a lesbian in the game. LMAO! who would have thought. *chuckles* I couldn't help but laugh for 5 minutes straight. especially when I went to bed with her. xD its awesome though. I need to get more properties though, that way I can appease the wife. LMFAO!

Left 4 Dead I haven't touched yet because I hear the best way to experience it is with more players involved. so...I'm going to wait for that. Fallout far quite interesting. *chuckles* I'm at a part of the game where I escaped the Vault and am out on my own. but getting out of there was a bit of a pain especially since I didn't know where to go at first, and being attacked by New Yorker roaches. LMAO. I'm serious, those roaches in there are New Yorker roaches, I swear to the gods. the roaches from Joe's Apartment, except not as funny and they're bigger. plus...eating roach meat was a bit messed up (I hate censorship of language I swear -_-). little sick, but I guess one has no choice but to do so. I had to stop it for a bit since I kept getting killed by a person with a flamethrower. I'll need to think of a strategy for how to get to them. I'm still trying to figure out the mechanics of this game. :P

anyway, time for me to go to work. I'll write more about my 2nd job as a goth gamer. LMFAO! anyway, ttyl!


The 360 Story

its somewhat entertaining, if not a little nerve racking to say the least for me.

so, Friday, big pay day for me (payday from work, and my tax refund came in that same day). took care of some bills and went off to Best Buy to get the Elite. when I get there, big shocker: none in stock. I was a little annoyed, so my roommate calls the local GameStop in our area to see if they had any in stock. thankfully they did, and they knew us well enough to not cheat us. so, we got there, I bought the system, as well as the accessories for it (wifi adaptor, battery kit) and the game Fable 2. roommate had already gotten Halo 3 and the keypad for it, ready to go. so, we get home, I hook up the system with the HDMI cable, and the minute I turn it on: RROD. go f***ing figure right? right out of the box. roommate ends up calling tech support, which was funny right there (if anyone wants a explanation as to why I say this, please message me), and they were ready to ask for registration of the system and preparations to send it in. we took it back to GameStop and the guys there (they were Playstation fans, so we were in good company xD), and they tested it out there just to check. they got it to work. we were all wondering what the hell happened since I recorded the RROD on my phone and showed it to them. they theorized that it was possibly due to a bad connection. so they "blessed it" (lmfao) and we took it back home, hooked it up again, and it worked. after setting up the wifi on it and importing my gamertag on it, I was up online and ready to upgrade to gold membership. after doing that, played with a couple of friends online on Fable 2 (one of my friends was playing Call of Duty 5 while I was working on Fable 2) and that was fun using the headset with it.

but yes...that is my funny and interesting time with the 360. I know its going to RROD eventually, but I was freaking out about it being right then and there out of the box. thankfully, it wasn't the case and I didn't have to do anything drastic to resolve it. so...wish me luck with this thing! xD


Now a 360 Owner

oh yes...I didn't think I'd see the day coming. I finally own an Xbox360. I'll post a picture of it up here sometime when I get around to it. I'm still trying to find the best way to maintain it since I already found a flaw with the construction: the vents. I have it laying down and from what was explained to me at GameStop (reps there were interestingly helpful, then again I know them well enough to know they won't lie me), it was advised to have something to make it elevated so all vents are well maintained. Someone get back to me on this one.

As for games....already have about 4 or 5 to add to the arsenal. They are:

Fable 2
Fallout 3
Halo 3
Midnight Club 3: Los Angeles
Left 4 Dead

I already added my gamertag to my profile if anyone is interested in adding me. I plan to put some RPGs on reserve when I get the chance to. I just happen to get lucky with this stuff because of good old tax refund. lol. oh, I have an interesting story to tell about getting the 360, but I'll post about it later for I must get some food. I'M FREAKING HUNGRY!! lmao. then again, doesn't help when I have a cut on my heel, making walking a torture in itself. anyway, I'll be back sometime later on, if not tomorrow to share the tale. :)


Calling all 360 Owners!!!

Those of you that read my blog on here and own a 360, I need your help with something.

Due to good fortune with this tax season, it will be enough to add another console to my arsenal of gaming and gaming career: the Xbox360. Does this mean I will favor it more than the PS3? No. It just means I want to live up to the definition of being a true gamer with having all consoles and enjoying them equally for what they all have. The 360 I'm going to give another chance. I couldn't do it before since the last one belonged to my ex and, well...yeah, I won't even go there. This time, the console is fully mine (hopefully I will not encounter the RROD), and even give the online option a chance, even though I cringe at the thought of having to pay monthly for online play.

Here is what I need your help with: games to choose as my weapons. The one I'm going for, of course, is the Elite, everything bought at once (any extra controllers, the wireless adaptor, etc.) and I'm looking to get some games. I had heard rumor that Fable 2 has online capability, but its only one other person that can join you. I still live and breathe RPGs, so I'm looking for some good ones. Anyone of the Temple, I'll need some help at least pointing me to the right thread with good recommendations. If anyone wants to throw shooters in the list for me, by all means do. I'll give them a chance, but I warn anyone who plays with me on shooters: I suck. LMAO.

Oh, side note. Under no circumstances will I get the Call of Duty series for my consoles. I'm sorry, but no. lol. So that suggestion is out. :-P

Anyway, its time for me to go. Either good threads to look at or any games off the top of your head that you can think of thats good, by all means, I'm up for any and all suggestions. Thanks!

Integra Belladonna

Merry Yule

Merry Yule to you...
Merry Christmas to you...
Happy Holidays to you...

whichever way you say it, it all goes back to this time of year when its close to the end of what was and the beginning of a new start. I know for me this will be the case. so much crap has hit me and I'm glad to see it come to an end pretty soon.

for all of you, I wish you Merry Yule and a wonderful New Year. :)


What is going on now???

ok, I come back on here, just checking to see what's up in the unions I'm part of...and look what I find? when I try to respond to anything, all I see is "INVAID TAG" message.


now....WTF IS GOING ON?!?!?!!? *sighs* if there's a problem going on with posting things in unions, then ok. if I'm banned from the unions due to non activity, then ok, but I would have liked some advanced warning of it. *chuckles*

eh, other than that, how is everyone doing? XD

*pulls hair out*



sorry. this is just a small rant about my own frustration with GameSpot right now. I'm trying to change my avatar and for some reason it shows my old one. even when I put a link up in there. why the hell won't it let me change it?!?!?!?!? GRRRRR!!!!

*takes a deep breath* must not punch out

*sighs* oh well. I'll think of something when I get home. other than that, my apologies for being away for so long. I'll still check up on here from time to time. those part of the temple and death note... my sincerest apologies for being away and not as active. I was going through some stuff that needed to be sorted out. I think its all sorted now. :)

other than that... have a good one!

Integra Belladonna

Future of Gaming

eh, this is something I've been wondering about for a while. the future of gaming... where will it take us? will it have us all be "casual gamers" or "extreme gamers" or will it bring up a whole war between who's the true gamer and who isn't? also, what will happen with the consoles?

*chuckles* I don't hold a crystal ball to these things. none of us do. not even the ones that supply us the consoles to achieve our favorite hobby or careers (for those of us that consider gaming a job). it was mentioned in many a magazines before about the future of gaming, mainly along the lines of a "one console world." the thought honestly scares me of a one console world. reason for it being, who would we go to for our games, would we all have the same gaming experience.... the same, bland, dull gaming experience. I'm sorry, but I like the fact of many options as far as gaming consoles go. reason for it being not everyone's tastes are alike. the ones that have been out for a while, the Xbox consoles, the Playstation consoles, Nintendo consoles... they all got us into the gaming world. each console is remembered for a fantastic game. so fantastic that people swear by it because of what it did for the console, how it shows up.

eh, don't mind me. I'm just on a little rant about the gaming. but here's another thing that comes up: casual vs extreme gamers. or those that title their profession as a gamer. *raises her hand to this conviction with a smirk* how will this be determined now? the gaming generation has changed. more women and girls are getting into gaming, but men & boys for some reason find it very difficult to understand. brand the girls "casual gamers". let me tell you boys something: there are those of us out there that are just as hardcore as you. I have a friend whom I consider to be a sister thats pretty hardcore with her Xbox360, in particular with the game Halo. plus, meeting and seeing other girls in other forums that know a thing or two about shooter games. know enough to kick your butt. *smirks* plus... try a challenging RPG or two and tell me there isn't a girl gamer who wouldn't give it a shot? you're looking at one; and I'm no casual gamer. when I think casual gaming, I think more of board games. granted, I love board games, but... thats a casual thing. video games are a whole other thing entirely, not in the realm of casual.

then... you come across a breed that play games for the games themselves.... a true gamer. I met one not too long ago. couldn't help but smile at the thought. one that doesn't get caught up in the whirlwind of console wars or anything like that. bases it on the game for a particular system and thats it. those are the true gamers. ones that love games and master their craft. you don't find those around anymore. I try to be fair about it, but if there's a particular console that doesn't have any appealing games to me, then I don't look. but it doesn't mean its out for the count.

all I want you to ponder on, despite this wall of text that was a rant from one thing to another, is what you think the world of gaming will end up? will it be for the better or for the worse? I personally hope it will be for the better. competition is the one thing that strives for better things. things that haven't been thought of for the ultimate gaming experience. thats where you wanna go.

this concludes my rant. the rant of the goth who considers her profession to be that of a gamer. *smirks* have a good one!

Integra Belladonna

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