[QUOTE="kayoticdreamz"] sure the earth is 6000 years old. matter cant be destroyed or created. so in essence if this is even remotely true this therefore can lead one to conclude that the earth is very likely made out of old matter. but the organizing or creating of it is merely 6000 years old. i mean take for example im in my 20s but if matter can never be created nor destroyed the material that makes me up is actually far older than someone in there 20s as the matter that is my could of never been created just shifted and organized into such a structure that is a human. yet when i die my body will show the age of someone well say in there 70s if thats when i die yet the reality according to said science is matter was never created to create me so therefore im actually billions and trillions of years old. so using science why cant we conclude that maybe the earth shows an age of 4.5 billion but has only been around for 6000 years old.
the bible never claims the earth is flat
the bible never says the earth revovles around the sun.
the bible also never says earth is at the very center of the universe.
Your claim to how the earth is only 600 years old is a joke. And it wouldn't account for the Earth Sun and Stars being made in days(as told in genesis)How can anyone say Genesis is the words of God when this statement is CLEARLY written by a human's interpretation of the universe?:
"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also." -1:16
The moon is not a light
The Sun is not a "great light"
The sun is a Star. A very small star
There are trillions upon trillions of stars MUCH GREATER than our sun.
This is clearly written by a man who is writting fiction. Are people saying God doesn't know his own Universe?
Can't you say the whole Bible is human interpretation then since all the books were written by humans? Therefore, since people claim we can't understand God...the entire book is false due to it being shaped by our own limits.
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