@twztid13: eh to each their own, graphics arent bad for me...they dont bother me 1 bit...actually i like graphics that are even lower in resolution then this...retro or modern doesn't bother me, im pleased by any game on any device from any time period...im just easy to please, loved this game...but not everyone is so...maybe just not for you...to each their own I say.
loved every minute of it, played about 50 hours on the switch - not perfect (then again no game is) but some of the fundamental flaws for me were merely balance in the procedural generation in campaign mode & overall QOL tweaks to the map/menu system...but also theres been 1 update in 2018...the balance is a bit better I notice...so I would give it a 7/10, its now Hollow Knight or Binding of Isaac or Cave Story+ or Night in the Woods...but its ok. eh everyones different.
@Keaze_: i dont care if theres "TOo much of any game"
just ignore it ?
avoid it ?
dont buy it
...theres not too much of anything except broken day 1 content, otherwise it can be ANY genre....just IGNORE it...I never understood the "theres too much of this type ____ genre and this type of _____ game mechanic" you can avoid it 100% by not endorsing/promoting/buying said-titles...I can enjoy a survival game, and then go and play a non-survival game, a random platformer, or rogue-lite, or jrpg...or some MMO-for a period of time...or RTS...or (shudders) a sports title.....on occasion...rarely...lol - but you dont see me cry ing "too many random-updated-year-after-year-with-minimal-changes-sports-titles" annual sports titles...well theres 100s of them if you add all the years together....but I have yet to play a single baseball/basketball/hockey game from the past....17 years....for those who like...indulge I say, knock yourself out. for those who dont...well ^ refer above...
@busfulofnuns: i considered it, and enjoyed it on the switch especially with the update. enjoyed the switch version in 2018. but everyone is diff, to each their own I know 3 other people that have enjoyed the switch version as well.
@Bread_or_Decide: its actually kinda fun to hate on a game from time to time, not everyone is angry with pulsating fingers foaming at the mouth sad at life....lol some people just laugh at how incredibly bad a game can be, and actually HAVE fun with how bad it is (if that makes any sense) b/c I can bash the games other people like AS much as I can bash a game I like...cause no game is perfect, not the highest acclaimed titles of all time, they are all flawed, but we accept that...and this game has not just "alot of flaws" its a flaw IN itself lol...it makes less sense after you play it....so many broken overlapping systems (yea Im repeating my posts as well) but....its the truth, I RARELY bash any game to this extent, and (mind you) I dont have a bias, or a preference, or a fanboy mentality to ANY franchise...or hardware manufacturer (nintendo, sony, sega, microsoft, atari, **** I dont care) who the developer is OR if its console only, PC/steam, handheld...you know I can give any developer or manufacturer or publisher a fair-shake....I dont care about MGS as a series or any comparisons it may draw...I just think its a really bad game..and IM not angry or being toxic...or biased...cause as said (i dont do fanboyism or "starlight" eyes with any franchise) I can critique any game regardless what name is attached...but this game (let me take another dab of my hash-oil from my e-vape-pen) cough...red-eyes..see ? im not angry or toxic or foaming at the mouth...just buzzed...but truth is this game is not fun I spend more time in menus & trying to .....consume liquids then I do anything else.....if I could only GIT GUD I would...this game doesnt allow you too lol
Itzsfo0's comments